September 16, 2009

Cat Lady No. 256...Party Animal Turns Five

Skeezix the Cat was just three months old when Cat Lady Karen (aka Food Lady) brought him home as a surprise for her Feline Fella Jeff (aka Mr. Tasty Face).

Skeezix, who was almost hairless and often cold, began wearing sweaters with the help of the Food Lady. His penchant for pink and the Food Lady's love of photography soon made Skeezix a famous feline fashionista of the cat world.

Food Lady is a wildly talented writer, photographer and artist, and in no time at all her young apprentice showed great promise at the computer. Skeezix began helping the Food Lady write The Cat's Meow-- Catster's blog for cats and kittens, AND writing his very own blog: Skeezix's Scratching Post.

So it is with great love and adoration that the Food Lady and Mr. Tasty Face join with great friends like Shabby and Katie Tulip and angel Kalin in wishing Skeezix the Very Happiest of Birthdays!

Congratulations to Cat Lady Danielle,who also just happens to be Cat Lady No. 122! Her name was drawn at random and she is the winner of the September Giveaway No. 1. Thank you to everybody who participated!


  1. Happiest of birthdays to my good furriend Skeezy! Yay!

  2. Thank yoo, DMM, and thank yoo Susan Faye fur this grate honor!!!!

  3. Skeezix is soooooo handsome!

  4. Dat is the gratest pichur EVER Ms. FAye, yoo are very gud at makin pichures!


    Skeezix' Canadian pal
    Ms. Tiger Woods


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