August 25, 2009

Cat Lady No. 234...Cat Adoration Haiku

Cat Lady Doris and teacher's pet Madame Purrie want to expand the horizons of recently rescued classroom kittens Punky and Spunky.

Poetry readings have become part of their morning ritual and today's selections happen to be Cat Haiku.

Here are some more wonderful submissions from the 365 Cat Ladies August Giveaway, with love and adoration as a popular theme:

From Crazy Cat Lady Carm describing Pride:

oh brilliant orange cat
little prince of the sunset
feline spirit guide

From Cat Lady Tammy:

My big green eyes gaze
At my crazy cat lady
With undying love

From Cat Lady Lyz:

Julius, Marley;
Leave their paw prints on my heart;
Hair everywhere else

From Cat Lady Sarah:

One more cat makes nine
When does the line stop shifting?
The love is endless

Thanks for visiting!

It's not too late to enter the 365 Cat Ladies August Giveaway! Take some time to read all of the fantastic Cat Haiku entries in the Comments section at the end of the post, then add your own if you haven't already. Click here to learn a little more about writing cat haiku.

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