August 24, 2009

Cat Lady No. 233...Healing Power of Cat Love

Canadian Cat Lady Mary has two guardian angels by the names of Blackie and Alpha. No wings or halos here, just 13 or 14 muscular pounds each of manly fur-fluff concealing unabashed loyalty and hearts of gold.

Her final radiation treatment was in June, but in spite of everything that Mary has been through, she smiles all the time. And it's no wonder. With her two purrsonal caregivers always at her side to nurse her through the rough patches, plus the love of family members like niece Jennifer, Mary is a lucky lady.

So it was with great jubilation recently that Mary was told she's clear. The ever-vigilant whiskered nurses could FINALLY relax. Alpha slept solid for two days and Blackie went outside to explore for hours on end.

This celebratory portrait is going to hang behind the piano. Mary says she's pretty sure that Blackie smiled when he saw it.

Thanks for visiting!!

Just one week left to enter the 365 Cat Ladies August Giveaway. Take some time to read all of the fantastic Cat Haiku entries in the Comments section at the end of the post, then add your own if you haven't already.


  1. Congratulations, Mary! So glad your companions are there for you, and vice versa!

  2. Manly fur fluff! I love it!!!
    Very relatable kitties!


Thanks for dropping in...I appreciate your comments. It always makes my day!