August 15, 2009

Cat Lady No. 225 ...Peace, Love and Cat Haiku

Cat Lady Harmony loves to tell cat Bonkers the story of how her parents met at the Woodstock music festival. Today is a particularly special retelling of the story, because her parents met 40 years ago today.

So it's really no wonder that Harmony is drawn to stargazing, art, organic vegetables, mother nature, love beads and cat haiku.

Both Harmony and Bonkers have been delighted so far by the entries received in the Groovy 365 Cat Ladies Giveaway for August Cat Haiku Happening. Fur seems to be a popular theme:

From Daisy Mae and mom Vanessa:
my fur on her clothes
why bother with the lint brush?

I will just leave more

From Victor Tabbycat and Tabbymom Jen:
All bags are for me!
Pouncing, diving and... shopping?
My fur goes with you

From Aldo:
Fur on my jacket
Creamy colors tipped with black

Love waiting at home

If you would like to share your own Cat Haiku, please add it to the comments section of the August Giveaway post, where you will be able to read all of the other entries! Thanks for visiting!

This original ACEO watercolor illustration has just been listed for sale...add it to your collection by visiting my Etsy shop:
Stargazers No. 2

1 comment:

  1. Hello, really enjoyed reading your posts - thank you for sharing !


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