August 17, 2009

Cat Lacy No. 226...Making the Grade

Cat Lady and Teacher Mary Beth gets an A+ today from classroom cats Reedin and Rightin. As they get ready for Back To School, Mary Beth wrote a cat haiku as part of a lesson plan:

teacher's pets await
return of many small hands
petting petting purrrrrrrrrrr

Here are some great examples of cat haiku with purring as a theme, submitted for the 365 Cat Ladies Giveaway for August:

From Cat Lady Chris:
Big blue eyes I see
Looking fondly back at me
Two hearts purr as one

From Cat Lady Jeanette:
Sleeping next to me
Furry faces, soft whiskers
Cats purring their love

From Bibi Girl's "meowmie":
A bag I can hide
in from evil things without.
Chin rub. Eyes squint. Purr

If you would like to share your own Cat Haiku, please add it to the comments section of the August Giveaway post, where you will be able to read all of the other entries! Thanks for visiting!

This original ACEO watercolor illustration has just been listed for sale...add it to your collection by visiting Teacher's Pet No. 3 ACEO

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