May 23, 2009

Cat Lady No. 141...Who Was Your Favorite Teacher ?

The 365 Cat Ladies Giveaway for May has Cat Lady Cassie reminiscing about her favorite school teacher.

It would have to be her Junior High Algebra teacher who introduced Cassie and her best friend, Rhoda, to the world of science fiction. Miss Watson had an extensive collection of paperback books by Isaac Asimov and Ray Bradbury, which she would loan out to the girls--because the school library did not have any science fiction books on its shelves!

Feline Friend Esmerelda is wondering what Cassie waiting for! If she posts a comment about her favorite teacher, she'll be entered to win a Cat Lady tote bag...

Visit this link to read all of the great entries and to reminisce about your favorite teacher before it's too late:

365 Cat Ladies May Giveaway

On May 31st, a name will be drawn at random and the winner will receive this roomy tote bag to carry all of those books that you can read...thanks to a teacher!

Thanks for visiting!


  1. Hi Cassie! Love your portrait, and I loved your "story" because I too had a teacher introduce me to science fiction, which changed my life. In my case, I was an exchange student in Germany my junior year in high school, and I couldn't yet read German well enough to indulge my bookworm habit. So a teacher there lent me a box of old SF paperbacks in English that someone had left in his attic: Clarke, Asimov, Poul Anderson....

    Now I go to the World Science Fiction Convention most years, and have even published some science fiction of my own!

    It's amazing how teachers affect us. The teacher who convinced me to go abroad in the first place really changed my life as well.

  2. I love your blog with so many lovely cats!


Thanks for dropping in...I appreciate your comments. It always makes my day!