April 18, 2009

Cat Lady No. 107...Terrific Tigger

As National Library Week comes to a close, Cat Lady and School Librarian Debbie reminds us of the tremendous contributions and devoted service that Library Cats bring to the library experience:

"Tigger was given to us by a student after his Mom heard we were looking for a cat. Tigger went home with me every day riding draped across my shoulder and the headrest. One teacher told me it looked like I was always talking on a furry cell phone. Each morning when I arrived at school I would open the car door and he would jump out and walk up the sidewalk to the side door of the school. When it was opened he always went straight to the library door.

"Tigger loved to sleep on the circulation desk. I told the students that his extra toes on his front paws helped him turn the book pages better.

"We had Tigger Mail at the school and students would write to Tigger. His mailbox was usually overflowing. As his secretary, I answered each letter he received. He gave out advice about friendships, suggested books for the students to read, praised their accomplishments, and sometimes even helped with homework questions.

"Tigger, the library cat that had been at our school for 10 years, died from kidney failure on March 5.

We are all heartbroken at our loss.

"If you have never visited the library cat webpage go to www.ironfrog.com and see the library cats worldwide. Our Tigger is with the Alabama cats, at Smiths Station Intermediate School."

Thanks Debbie!

Debbie and Tigger are featured on a variety of gift items at this link: www.Cafepress.com/Susanfaye

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for the memorial for Tigger. He was a wonderful addition to our library and is greatly missed each day.


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