March 30, 2009

Cat Lady No. 89...New Haircut

Cat Lady Louella wonders if Tabby Ted likes her new haircut. Tabby Ted wonders if Louella will scratch his chin soon. Both Louella and Ted are wondering if you've entered the 365 Cat Ladies Giveaway for March yet.

Hurry. It's not too late! The giveaway ends tomorrow, and the beautiful and talented Enzie Shahmiri will draw a name at random and some lucky Cat Lady will win the original ACEO watercolor painting pictured below. It
could be you! Just click on the link above to visit Enzie's blog and get the complete details.

Thanks for v

As it turns out, Tabby Ted DOES like Louella's new haircut. Do you? Louella and Tabby Ted can be found on a variety of t-shirts, totes, notecards, and other gifts at my CafePress Shop

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