March 29, 2009

Cat Lady No. 88...Time With Tascha

Artist, businesswoman and Cat Lady Tascha has a special place in her heart for all of her kitty loves, but one stands out: her dear, departed muse and business partner Bailey.

Many years ago, when Tascha was making and selling jewelry, Bailey struck a darling pose and inspired a little painting. The rest, as they say, is history. Hundreds of charming paintings and many years later, that special little painting found its way back to its rightful home. Read all about it here (you might want to have a hankie handy):

The First Painting I Sold On Ebay by Tascha

In the mean time, Tascha's current kitty loves Opie and Lily keep her inspired and amused and often get to star in video clips on Tascha's blog. Here's one called Bird Watching


This design is available on many great gift items at

This design is also available as a matted print at


  1. hello

    love your catpaintings..I got some catlover followers in my site..check it out..

  2. its a lovely artical......very nice.

  3. I am the cat lady in my neighborhood and the artist! I have 5 that I adopted or should I say they adopted me, one kept showing up on my doorstep, I think the other cats in the neighborhood told Golgie that my house was the one with the lady who is such a softie! She was starving and one day I scooped her up and off to the vet and then to her new home. Another was starving in town at a locl shop and I kept going there to see her and they wanted to find her a home, well, guess who!!! And I feed the babes who wonder onto my porch and hang there, even though they have a home! It entertains my cats looking out the windows at them.

    Love your work, and will follow you !
    XoXo, Suzi


Thanks for dropping in...I appreciate your comments. It always makes my day!