March 21, 2009

Cat Lady No. 80...Scrabble Fiends, er, Friends

When Cat Lady Anne visited the West End Shelter in Ontario, California, how could she resist that dashing kitten with the beautiful green and one blue! Named after a famous artist, Rufino Tamayo, Mr. Tamayo the Cat now spends his time as a studio artist model, mouse hunter, and scrabble fiend.

He has appeared in many paintings by Anne and spends much of his time in Anne's Art Work Studio where he continues to model, whether she is painting him or not.

Anne recently introduced Tamayo to the game of Scrabble, which he adores, and probably accounts for the vast improvement in his spelling skills.

Tamayo has his very own fan club called ODD-EYED CATS (that's what you are called when you have one green eye and one blue eye) and he hopes you will want to join!

Today is Anne's birthday and she is planning a special Open Studio, so Tamayo hopes to do a little early morning hunting and surprise her with breakfast in bed. What better way to start off a day with something that wiggles and makes you squeal?

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