March 20, 2009

Cat Lady No. 79...Happy Vernal Equinox!

It's time to do a happy dance, enjoy a jig, cut a rug! The Northern Hemisphere rejoices today as the sunshine scales are suddenly tipped in its favor while the Southern Hemisphere must begin its inevitable march toward the autumn and winter months.

Cat Lady Melinda and her furry friend Primavera would like to wish those of you in the upper hemisphere the happiest of Vernal Equinoxes, while hoping that the lower half will enjoy warm and lasting memories of their now-ending turn at being tipped toward the sun!

Thanks for visiting!

A great way to celebrate the arrival of Spring is to enter the 365 Cat Ladies giveaway for March, if you have not done so already. You can find all of the details right here:

365 Cat Ladies Giveaway for March

The drawing for the winner will take place March 31.

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