February 15, 2009

Cat Lady No. 46...Sweet Tooth

Cat Lady Adora is enjoying an afternoon in the kitchen with Cat Mom Snickers and her kitten SnickerDoodle!

As you might guess by her furry friends' names, Adora has a weakness for sweets.

The very first thing Adora ever learned to bake was a Snickerdoodle in Mrs. Nix's Seventh Grade Home Economics Class. The class had spent the first two weeks of class at the sewing machines, learning to fill a bobbin and making aprons out of gingham. They then advanced to the row of shiny ovens and learned the finer points of sifting, measuring, and mixing.

Fifty years later, her love for baking has not waned. She still has recipes from her Home Ec class, written in a careful scrawl on now-yellowed index cards. Here is a favorite and a classic:

Gold Rush Brownies

2 C. graham cracker crumbs
1 can sweetened condensed milk
1 (6 oz.) pkg. chocolate chips
1/2 C. pecans or walnuts, chopped

Mix all ingredients together. Spread in a lightly prepared 11 x 7 x 1 1/2-in. pan. Bake at 350 degrees F for 30 min. Cut into squares while still slightly warm.


Bake your favorite goodies in style with a Cat Lady Apron from my CafePress Shop! There are over 100 designs to choose from... click here: Cat Lady Aprons

Thanks for visiting!

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