February 14, 2009

Cat Lady No. 45...Hearts To You

This is a special Valentine to Cat Lady Carrie from six very special little friends with furry faces, as described by Carrie:

Finnegan: "our sweetie scaredy cat....I am the only one who ever gets to pet him and snuggle with him late at night."

Gus: "He is our tuxedo boy....most distinctive feature (other than the fact that his back legs don't work very well) is those long white whiskers against that black furry face. He is our 'special needs' child....he has a gazillion and one things wrong with his body/health and yet he is the craziest, purrbox on earth."

Rosie: "Our robust tuxedo girl....she is known as the 'Oozie Buddha'...I love her more than I can express...my bestest girlfriend. She is quirky and silly and makes me laugh constantly."

Teeny: "Our orange tabby pumpkin beach ball...she is our first 'child'. She is quite grouchy and wishes she had remained an only child. She loves her mom and no one else. "

Rooney: "The most handsome boy ever! He is a deep orange mackerel tabby with white accents including an adorable white milk mustache. Rooney loves other cats and all people. He is the all around, affectionate, purrfect boy. He is Brian's favorite for sure."

Heidi: "Our newest addition...she is a buff tabby...very slim and petite with a super long tail. When we rescued her, she was yelling at us as we drove by and is still hollering at us...constantly meowing. She LOVES to snuggle up really close to us...either on our shoulders or tucked in an armpit."

This is what these furry friends would like to say to Cat Lady Carrie, Artisan, Sculptor, Athlete, Spinner, Cat Rescue Angel, Spay and Neuter Advocate, and all-round Sweetheart:

"Thanks! We Love You! Will You Be Our Valentine? Purrs to you, from your favorite SnipPets

(And Get Well Soon Brian!)

To find out more about Cat Lady Carrie and all of her adventures, visit The SnipPets Blog. You'll also want to visit her online art gallery filled with fun and fanciful gifts for pet owners and animal lovers: The SnipPets

Thanks for visiting!

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