February 9, 2009

Cat Lady No. 40...A Surprise Visit From Cupid

Professor of English Literature and Cat Lady Joella has just received a special Valentine delivered by Boswick, a Cat Cupid. She is speechless.

Joella, previously unaware of the existence of Cat Cupids and her mind now reeling, searches for something to say to her surprise guest. The only thing that comes to mind is a poem, written by Irish poet Thomas Moore (1779-1852), which she feels compelled to recite:

"Cupid once upon a bed
Of roses laid his weary head;
Luckless urchin, not to see
Within the leaves a slumbering bee.
The bee awak'd--with anger wild
The bee awak'd, and stung the child.
Loud and piteous are his cries;
To Venus quick he runs, he flies;
"Oh, Mother! I am wounded through--
I die with pain--in sooth I do!
Stung by some little angry thing,
Some serpent on a tiny wing--
A bee it was--for once, I know,
I heard a rustic call it so."
Thus he spoke, and she the while
Heard him with a soothing smile;
Then said, "My infant, if so much
Thou feel the little wild bee's touch,
How must the heart, ah, Cupid! be,
The hapless heart that's stung by thee!"

Boswick is delighted by the impromptu poetry recitation and purrs contentedly as he glides off toward his next delivery.

Joella and Boswick can be found on a variety of Valentine cards, note cards, postcards, t-shirts and other gifts at: www.cafepress.com/SusanFaye.

Thanks for visiting!

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