February 8, 2009

Cat Lady No. 39...California Girls

Jojo is Cat Lady Sarah's favorite, but shhhhh---don't tell the other seven adoptees that they live with. What makes Jo so special? That she likes to watch birds in the backyard or chase laser beams? That she has the prettiest eyes and sweetest face that could just melt your heart? There's more...

Jojo was a special needs kitten with brain damage when Sarah and husband Bill rescued her: "She could only scoot around in little circles and might only be a lap cat for the rest of her life. We came in to see her and just fell in love on sight! Even with the problems she had, we had to take her."

"We did physical therapy with her to help with her motion control and put a ramp up to the bed so she could get up there easier. She was very sick during the first couple weeks, and one night I spent the night on the bathroom floor with her with the humidifier. She has a special little Jojo walk, and when she jumps she overshoots her target, but there is nothing she can't do anymore!"

Jojo just turned eight, and her vet is happy to report Jo no longer displays any neurological symptoms; apparently her brain has remapped itself!

Says Sarah: "I like to think it's all the love that made the difference. She is our little miracle."

Jojo often has a starring role in Sarah's websites: SARAH HUNT PHOTOGRAPHY and OC PET PHOTOS. Check them out!

Thanks for visiting!

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