January 30, 2009

Cat Lady No. 30...Phantom Cat

Carlotta the Cat Lady of Larkspur Lane is shown here enjoying a chance visit from Mystery Cat Phantom. This snowy white cat can often be seen roaming the village at night and is most visible during a full moon.

As fate would have it, Carlotta loves to tell ghost stories, and Phantom often scratches at her back door at the stroke of midnight, hoping for a bowl of warm cream and a frightfully good story.

Tonight's story is about D.C. (short for Demon Cat), a mysterious cat that haunts Capitol Hill. As legend has it, D.C. emerges from the shadows, its creepy eyes glowing, any time a national disaster is looming; for example, sightings were reported before the stock market crash of 1929.

Want to know more? This article, by Jill Stefko, will tell you more...BLACK CAT HAUNTS CAPITOL BUILDING

Carlotta and Phantom hope that nice Mr. President Obama steers clear of this character. He already has enough scary things to deal with!

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