January 29, 2009

Cat Lady No. 29...Queen of Cupcakes

Cat Mom and Gourmet Cupcake Baker Stacie has one husband, a golden Retriever, four spoiled rotten kitties, and is the proprietor of Sugar Dreams Bakery. Her cat story spans 8 years:

“Yep, all my children have paws, and I happily call them my furbabies!

“The oldest is Orie and my mom and I adopted him two days before Christmas in 2000... We had just lost my father to cancer only nine days earlier, and we needed to have some fluffy comfort at an extremely hard time in our lives--Orie more than filled that need.

"Orie was picked because he was the only one of two black kittens who had a paper collar on, and he was majorly interested in my fingers. This paper collar identified the kitten as 'Venus“, a female kitten. At this point in my career as a kitty mom, I had no idea how to detect whether a kitten was male or female (I definitely do now!), so I believed them until my vet told me otherwise. So, Venus became Orion because I wanted to keep his name as close to astrological as possible.

"Harley is my second oldest cat at seven years of age. Harley was adopted from the same humane society that Orie was, and his name came from being behind a Harley Davidson when we were on the way home with the little bundle of fluff. Harley is a man-lover! He flirts, purrs, and rubs on any male that enters our home (mostly ignoring the females). Yep, Harley loves me, but he loves his guys!

"Leah (either two or three years old) was adopted from a humane society that rescued cats from kill shelters. She is one of the strangest cats I've ever had! She is obsessed with the ice maker in the fridge...whenever we get water from it, she has to be RIGHT THERE to see and play with the water that may or may not drip from the faucet. She also lays across a hole on one of our cat trees that allows for her belly to hang below whilst the rest of her is happily lying above...she'll lay like that for hours!

"Harrison is my baby (currently ten months old), and the most spoiled cat in the household. He was adopted from a specialty no-kill cat shelter. When I adopted Harrison (they had named him Harry...blech), I was looking for a kitty that would be all lovey dovey yet playful since my other guys were either too lazy, didn't like to be a lap cat, or were just plain bored with the idea of chasing a tinkling ball around. Harrison filled this void so well! He's extremely playful, loves to lay with you (or on you), has a motor that you can hear in the next room, and is a raging mass of fur!

"So, there's a little bit about my lovely kitties. They have brought me countless moments of happy memories, and I hold every one of them in a special place in my heart. "

Stacie's scrumptious baked goods are available by mail order and she is currently having a Cookie Sale! Don't miss out:
Sugar Dreams Bakery

1 comment:

  1. What could be better...cats and cupcakes!!!! She has a great life :)! Loved reading this...


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