January 12, 2015

I Painted A Rock!

You may have noticed that I have done little to no new artwork over the past 10 months or so, other than making fused glass "wishing stars". There are three contributing reasons, all intertwined:  1) My sweetie and I became caregivers and roommates to a family member with Alzheimer's; 2) It was discovered in late summer that my thyroid and vitamin D levels were seriously low; and 3) I may be experiencing the dreaded creative burnout after 35 straight years of making my living as an artisan-craftsman.

The good news for 2015 is that I am feeling better!

And as part of a continuing effort to recharge my creative juices, I picked up some beach rocks at the Oregon coast last Friday and thought I'd try my hand at rock painting.  Here is my first effort... hope you like it!

I want these rocks to be safe for outdoor gardens, so I am experimenting with waterproof sealants. Once I'm satisfied, I may add a few of these to my Etsy shop down the road...

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  1. Here's to a better 2015 for you! If it helps, please know that seeing your lovely art on a regular basis brightens my day. :-)

  2. Good to hear you are feeling better. I've missed reading about Buttonwillow's adventures. Thyroid problems are maddening. A friend of mine has gotten help from a book and site called Stop the Thyroid Madness. And the rock art is great!


Thanks for dropping in...I appreciate your comments. It always makes my day!