November 14, 2013

Kick-Off Kitty Kudos

And now a word or two from our Project Spokescat, Ms. Buttonwillow:

"Hey there! Kitty Kudos and salutations to all of our beloved backers so far, who helped to kick-off our "A Bouquet From The Cat" Kickstarter Project!  Thanks to you, we have raised over one-third of our goal in just the first 48 hours!

"Inka and I would like to extend our Kitty-Duo-Kudos-Salute to these early backers: 

The Mysterious "J"
Donna P. 
Georgia E.
Diane S.
Pat A.
Elizabeth M.
Katy L. R.
Mary S
Sharlene J
Angela B.A.

"If you haven't checked out the project yet, there's still plenty of time to jump on the bandwagon and help us reach our goal so that art lady can get her art made into prints and notecards. You can help by:

  1. Making a pledge (you'll get to choose "Bouquet" cat art rewards like notecards, prints or personalized cat art!), and...
  2. Spreading the word by sharing my Kickstarter project with all of your favorite crazy cat ladies and cat guys through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc... 
"Here is the link to the project:  'A Bouquet From The Cat'

(and MOST IMPORTANT of all: make sure you don't miss the project video right at the beginning, starring yours truly)"

  Love and fishes, Buttonwillow

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