July 5, 2013

So You've Had A Bad Day...

What?  It's the day after the Fourth and you say that a sparkler spark singed a hole in your brand new Keds? You say that the leftover potato salad that you ate today may have lingered on the picnic table a few moments too long yesterday?  You say that you forgot to put sunscreen on your earlobes, giving new meaning to the phrase "I bet your ears are burning"?

There there. I know just what you need:

It just so happens that this sweet brown tabby cat has picked out a plethora of pretty posies just for YOU to turn that frown upside down.

He promises not to eat them.
Feeling better now?

You're welcome.

Want to spread around a little more sunshine?  Good news... I have some brand new jewelry in my Etsy shop featuring our thoughtful little tabby Surprise your favorite cat lady, feline fanatic or veterinarian with the gift of wearable art! Click here to see the new designs: SUSAN FAYE PET PROJECTS on Etsy

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1 comment:

  1. I am so glad I found your blog! Love your illustrations. You have cats' sensibilities down! Love Mr. Tabby here. A fellow cat artist and kitty lover, Linda Clare


Thanks for dropping in...I appreciate your comments. It always makes my day!