June 29, 2013

Snazzy Rat Testimonials

Thanks to the generosity of 99 Kickstarter backers in April 2013, Snazzy Rat Catnip Toys have now made their way into the world, and testimonials and photos have been rolling in ever since...

Here is one of my favorites so far, sent in by Cat Lady Mary R.  It seems that Piggy, Hugo, Squeeky, and Chaps have been enjoying their Snazzy Rats! (Maybe TOO much... check out the glowing eyes!)

"Had to tell you that your Snazzy Rats are a favorite now at our house! Onyx Kitty just loves her Snazzy Rat!!!"   ~photo courtesy of Cat Lady Pat A.

"I wanted to write and let you know that your wonderful Snazzy Rat arrived safely and has been causing an excited ruckus with our 2 cats - Dutch, our elderly (16+ years old) and our young (barely 1 year old) Thelma.They had a fun time wrestling each other and licking the rat, and when Dutch fell into an exhausted heap on top of it and went to sleep, Thelma climbed up onto the couch and began eating the paper that came with it! Thanks so much! We will be spreading the word amongst our family of cat lovers!"  ~from Cat Lady Elizabeth M.

"The snazzy rats are a hit! Clawing open the mailer was just the start." ~photo courtesy of Cat Lady Joana E (on behalf of Baloo, Percy, Ming and Pikachu)
Apparently a lot of resourceful kitties have tried to open their own Snazzy Rat packages!

"Got my Kickstarter Ratz toy and inadvertently started a small household war! Had to take it away until I could get a second one so they didn't kill each other over it! :)  I don't know who grows your 'nip, but they *love* it--20 minutes later my (older, generally rather sedate) cats are still fighting over the bit of floor where it lay for all of 5 minutes! The catnip I had on hand simply will not do. Compliments to your supplier! And to the toy--it's *perfect* wrestle size!  (And I, of course, appreciate the awesome artwork. I'm afraid it's lost on their happy little drugged-out brains though.)" ~ from Cat Lady Dianne D.

"My kitty George supported your kickstarter project. He got his loot today and he's through the roof, high on catnip. We could smell it as we were opening the package! We also bought a rat for my mom's 2 kitties. I just wanted to say thank you, i am eternally looking for made in the US cat products that are also esthetically pleasing and fun for my cat. I'm sure George will sneak online and buy more in the near future!" ~photo courtesy of Cat Lady Claire. 
George isn't going to let his "Cheese Louise" Snazzy Rat get away...

"My cats are going nuts over these, thank you thank you thank you for creating them! I'll definitely be ordering in the future as well, your shop has so many cute things. I don't know what brand of catnip you are using but keep it; it smells so fresh and strong (in a good way) and had immediate effect"~ from Foster Cat Mom Katrina F.

"This thing must be made from something really awesome because my normally docile sweet orange tabby nearly tore straight through the mailer to get to this toy!! I've never seen her so excited about a toy in my life. She and my other cat (grey, unknown type, kinda bitchy) have been loving on their cosmic snazzy rat for over 20 min now. They only stop to take care of the munchies. Anyhow, thank you for this wonderful rat and the kitties love it!!"  ~ from Cat Lady Alison M.

~ Photos of Tango from Cat Lady Missy D:
"She even helped open the package! Tango is very possessive of her rat. I put it away for a few days a week - then she thinks she is getting a new toy when I bring it out."
This was Tango in constant movement
 when I gave her the rat.

This picture was taken after 20 minutes of wild play.

"My cat went nutty. She is 13 and was acting like a kitten. It made me so happy. If I could snag a few more with an Etsy listing, please please! I'll take 4 more of any cloth/color." ~ from Cat Lady Anne

Kitty Dearests!  Need more 'NIP?  Don't panic;  just tell the humanoids that Snazzy Rats are now available in my Etsy shop at this link: 
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