May 6, 2013

Time To Hit The Road

Buttonwillow just about fainted dead away when she heard the news...

I'm leaving on a road trip tomorrow!
My friend Anne and I are driving cross-country to visit her dad in Alabama.

I'll be gone for two weeks, but my Etsy shop will stay open.  Wholesale listings will not be available, and special requests won't be available, but everything you see listed in my shop will be available. The shop will be in the capable hands of my son Chris who will be handling shipping in my absence and will try to answer any questions that come up.  I'll be checking in periodically for anything that might stump him. Don't forget-- I'm having a Spring Cleaning Sale for the entire month of May, so check out all the bargains here:  Susan Faye Pet Projects on Etsy.

For the past two days, Christopher and I have been busy sending out some of the first Snazzy Rat Kickstarter pledge packages...  I had enough of my prototype fabric to make up about 10-12 of each rat, so we've been able to fill about 30 of the orders. 

Here are the package labels that I designed to go on each glassine paper bag.

And I have ordered the rest of the fabric, more catnip, packaging, shipping supplies, and the tote bags, so that when I return from my trip, we will go into high production with the goal of finishing up the pledge packages and having them shipped out by early June.

 I guess I'd better go finish packing. I'll post some photos from the road if I get a chance... 

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1 comment:

  1. Just want to make sure you got the $$ from my kickstarter pledge. I know it has been taken out of my account but didn't see my name on your supporters list. I don't completely trust online money stuff....I wouldn't want to have to track it down if it has disappeared into the big void. Cheryl Thomas


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