March 30, 2013

What's Cookin' Part 3-- Snazzy Rat Prototypes!

They're here!

I have finished the four prototypes of my new "Snazzy Rat" catnip toys.  I used cotton denim for the backs and upcycled yarn for the tails. Then I filled them with organic catnip.

Here they are with their snazzy names:




They are about 6" long (not counting the tail) and 2-1/2" high. They are filled with 1/4 cup  of organic catnip and a small amount of fiberfill, and made to be durable.  Tail colors may vary (but will always be snazzy).

Assistant Rat Inspector Inka puts the rodents through their paces...
Assistant Rat Inspector Inka puts the prototype rodents through their paces...
 ...Buttonwillow and Inka agree that the new and improved catnip toys pass muster and are ready to be introduced to their feline friends around the world! 

This is where YOU come in.
In order to offer my Snazzy Rats catnip toys at an affordable price, I need to buy my materials in bulk in order to get wholesale prices.  So.... to raise the seed money necessary to print large runs of fabric and to purchase all of the other necessary materials in large quantities at wholesale prices, I have created a Kickstarter campaign which will launch on Tuesday, April 2.

Not familiar with Kickstarter?  It's a fantastic website for creative people that enables them to raise funds for their creative projects. You can learn more here: 

You can help me on Tuesday by
  1. Making a pledge (essentially, you will be pre-ordering Snazzy Rats catnip toys), and...
  2. Spreading the word on Tuesday by sharing my Kickstarter project with all of your favorite crazy cat ladies and cat guys through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc...
 Thank you from me and the gang here at 
World Headquarters!

Follow Me on Pinterest

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Thanks for dropping in...I appreciate your comments. It always makes my day!