January 6, 2013

Time to Hit The Road!

But not in a wheelbarrow.

artwork copyright 2011-2013 Susan Faye
I'm heading out tomorrow with my sweetie for a REAL vacation.
At a SPA. 
In the desert! 
With hot springs!  
I LOVE the desert and plan to spend plenty of time taking photos, collecting rocks, visiting art galleries, and soaking in some SUNBEAMS!  

I plan to visit one of my favorite places in the area-- the Living Desert Museum in Palm Desert, where there are wonderful opportunities to see desert wildlife up close and personal.   

"Out of Hibernation", watercolor copyright Susan Faye
This painting is my portrait of one of the residents there-- a desert tortoise that had just come out of hibernation. I took many reference photos of this beautiful creature about nine years ago and then painted this watercolor a few months later. Let's see who winds up in my reference photos this time around!

I'm pleased to announce that my Etsy shop will stay open during my time away.  My son Christopher will be taking over many of the responsibilities of running my growing business over the coming months, and will be filling orders while I am gone.  We'll be listing lots of new things when I get back, so stay tuned!

As for tomorrow, I'm off in search of sunbeams!

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  1. Have a fabulous time and bring back lots of photos!

  2. I’ve nominated you on my blog for a “Liebster” award – an award for blogs I like to visit. There are (aren’t there always?!) particular rules that one is supposed to follow...However, I do appreciate that many bloggers find such things a bit tedious, or not actually what they blog for. So, if it doesn’t float you boat, no worries. Just be happy that I’ve (hopefully) sent others to look at your blog and enjoy it as much as I do. If you do want to join in, then hop over to my blog to find out the “rules”.


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