September 23, 2012

I'm Back!

yes, it's me, buttonwillow. I am back. You probably knew that art lady was gone. she abandoned me and took a trip. but did you know that i was gone too?

it all started with my diabolical plan to make her sorry and make her come back home, because it seemed like art lady might never come back and that pesky inka kitten was here to stay. here's how you do it:

first you find a really good hiding place.  i'm not telling where mine is because i might use it again some time.

then, when the gizmo guy thinks all the cats are outside in the patio, you go and hide in your secret hiding place until it gets dark.  this gets gizmo guy all worried when he can't find you.  the next morning he goes to all the neighbors and goes around the block looking for you.  i'm thinking he probably called art lady in some faraway place and told her, and i'm guessing she probably cried, which serves her right for leaving me. 

next, college guy and autie mary come over and everyone frantically combs the yard and the garage and the house for a sign of me.  i just snicker from my secret hiding place.  then you wait until night comes again for the best part: you sneak into the house through the kitty door so that at 3:30 in the morning when gizmo guy gets up to look for you, he finds you curled up in your chair like nothing happened.

but even after all that, art lady did not come back.  so i initiated plan b.  i set up camp under the futon and went on a hunger strike.  i stopped eating and drinking and i did not groom myself for days and days. it was very hard, because you know how much i love food. and you know how beautiful my incredible fluffiness can be when properly groomed.  but it was worth it.

art lady finally came back.  and i started eating and drinking again little by little, but not until i was sure that she was going to stick around.  plus, she threatened to take me to the cat doctor.

i hope she doesn't leave ever again.  and as you can see, in the throes of her grief and remorse for leaving me, she finished my portrait!  she says she will show the rest of the tutorial, step by step, of how she painted the picture in the next day or two.

in the mean time, i'm enjoying extra treats and lots of adoration.  life is good.

love and fishes, buttonwillow


  1. Oh buttonwillow!! I'm so glad you are safe and reunited with cat lady! You are loved!!

  2. Oh Buttonwillow... Your Mom LOVES you!!! I'm so glad you are feeling better now! Your portrait is wonderful!
    Hugs and kisses from Zoe! :)

  3. Buttonwillow's escapade reminds me of the time I was sure Gracie was lost outside so neighbors and I were outside searching. I put up posters around the neighborhood and then came back home to figure out what to do next. I was sitting on my bed, head in hands, when Gracie came out from under the pillows on the bed as though nothing had happened. I was thrilled and REALLY annoyed with her at the same time.

  4. Wow Buttonwillow, you are one lucky feline that the art lady can paint so well! Shame on you and your little strike! ;) I can't wait for the art lady to post her tutorials.

  5. Oh Buttonwillow how awful! You poor dear. I think you taught Art Lady a lesson that she'll never forget. Now don't you fret if she leaves again, she'll be back soon. Just get on the computer and email me, I'll keep you company till she returns ;)

    Love you,


  6. That is awesome you have such a great hiding place. I like playing hide-n-seek with my mom, especially when she is ready to go to work! That is very risky though not to eat--you could make yourself very ill that way pretty quick. Glad your mom came home.

  7. Now we know the inner workings of the cat mind.They go to extreme lenghts when they are upset with us. Hope you both get extra snuggle time in.

  8. What a naughty Buttonwillow.
    My sisfur Gingy went into hiding after she had a cat fight recently. She went missing for two days and has everyone worried.

    We cats can be very tempermental, remember Buttonwillow, your mom loves you. >^..^<

    P.S I love the portrait, beautiful. X


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