August 12, 2012

Buttonwillow Awaits Your Call


Look at what showed up on our patio a few days ago. 

Yes, it is the world's cutest black kitten ever known to 
man, woman or patio. 

 Her Highness is not pleased. 
So of course Buttonwillow immediately got on the internet and placed an ad in the "Found" section of the local paper, hoping that the rightful owners of the pitiful little lost waif would call immediately. 

Oh dear. They must have lost their phone.
 Not to mention the 
world's cutest black kitten ever known to 
man, woman or patio.

(To be continued, I'm sure...)


  1. Buttonwillow! How can you resist?

  2. Such a sweet little kitty. Hope her folks will want her back. Looks exactly like our rescue kitty. So nice...or egoistic?..of Buttonwillow to try and find the family of this lovely pussycat. Our cat is not so much into writing messages on the computer, but she loves to call people, known and unknown, from my cell phone. When I explain that it was not me, it was the cat, some people react in a funny way. I just found this blog and will come back really often!

  3. awww! such a cutie! looking forward to knowing what happens to him!

  4. looks like she found her home.....just sayin'!

  5. That is so funny about your kitty making new friends on your cell phone!

  6. Oh my!!!!!! A little black kitteh! Irresistible!

  7. Oh my!!!!!! A little black kitteh! Irresistible!

  8. I think Henri has sent a spy, because he fears that Buttonwillow is trying to usurp his position as most famous tuxedo cat on the intrawebs.....

  9. aww, the world's cutest black kitten appears on your patio; how appropriate!

  10. Perhaps Buttonwillow could use an underling. :)

  11. I agree, that is the cutest kitten known to man, woman, patio and blog. Buttonwillow, take kitty under your wing.

  12. What a cute kitty, she looks like my brother Sooty when he was a kitten.


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