August 31, 2012

A Friend In Need... of your Auction Bid!

Cat Lady Ann belongs to that special breed of pet lovers afflicted with what she laughingly calls OCCPSD, known as "Obsessive-Compulsive Cat Photoshop Disorder".

One visit to her blog Zoolatry will tell you why: She's just having too much darn fun to stop!! This sweetheart has been creating graphic art for fellow animal lovers, free of charge, for years now. 

 And those who love her know that Ann and her husband have been dealing with some tough challenges with grace and optimism over the past few years as her husband has faced some serious health issues.

So the Furriends of The Cat Blogosphere are holding an auction to raise funds to help cover medical costs and veterinary bills.  

And Cat Lady Linda and her Ozark Mountain Cats have donated a grab bag of my goodies to the auction!

It will be an assortment of kitty-related art, jewelry, and handcrafts from my Etsy shop that will be valued at $150!!  I promise you won't be disappointed! If you would like to bid on it, you'll find more info here: 
Bidding ends this Sunday, so get your bid in now!

There are tons of other great items to bid on-- click here for a complete list:
You may also make an outright donation if you wish.

Thanks for your support!

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