June 2, 2012

Why I Cannot Leave a Plastic Bag Unattended For More Than 20 Seconds...

It's always a little embarrassing when a plastic bag starts following you around for some inexplicable reason...

You can try backing away from it, but sometimes it still keeps following you around...

That's when you should just go with the flow and pretend it's your new Superhero Cape until someone takes pity on you and removes it and you pretend like nothing happened. 

[Just one more good reason to use reusable canvas totes instead of plastic bags...Recycle, Reduce, Re-use!]


  1. Poor Buttonwillow. . . girl can't go anywhere without picking up hangers-on, can she? Especially not when it's a girl as pretty as BW!

    I use canvas bags part of the time, but use the plastic grocery bags when I scoop litter boxes-- all seven of 'em.

    Cat Lady Jeanne

    PS Who won the spring poem contest?

  2. I had 2 cats that were TERRIFIED of plastic bags for this reason. My poor Molly, that evil bag FOLLOWED her no matter how fast she ran and she couldn't get away. Her brother Ben saw the whole thing and they were both traumatised. After that all plastic bags were suspect and to be avoided at all costs. Paper ones were still on the side of good though.

  3. Hi Cat Lady Jeanne-- the two names drawn at random were MysTeri and Patchy Meow. Just realized I made the announcement on Facebook, but not here on the blog! I'm slipping! :-0

    Yes, Periwinkle, paper bags are still the funnest thing in town! :-D

  4. LOL! Oh, as the Mom to three kitties, this is not an unusual occurance - WONDERFUL! And thank you for sharing (and not laughing, even though it's so hard not to when cats are in a halarious moment)...ahem :o) xoxo

  5. This made me laugh!
    I have one cat who hates plastic bags and one day managed to do exactly what your cat did then flew round the house in a total panic until I managed to catch him and remove his super hero cape :D

  6. This happened to one of my kitties years ago. He completely flipped out & from that moment on, was petrified of any plastic bags, even the sound of them, for the rest of his life. I also had a kitty who would literally eat any plastic she could find. Needless to say, I am neurotic about keeping them out of reach!

  7. Here in Brazil still uses lots of plastic bags. Mother Nature despairs.
    The picture is funny anyway.

  8. Once I came home to find my poor kitty Milo trapped in a paper gift bag. He was sitting in the bathroom meowing pitifully. Somehow he had gotten trapped in the handles and couldn't get out.

  9. My cats do this too! Funny and worrisome at the same time! They get into everything!
    Just discovered your work and your blog yesterday. Love what you do - fabulous!

  10. AnonymousJune 07, 2012

    My cat sibling Sooty is in love with a Jute bag. He loves to sit on it.

  11. My old dog Chip used to want to sleep on bags

  12. Oh, sweetheart...

    You are so right...

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