May 6, 2012

A Fun Collaboration

As reported yesterday, Buttonwillow and I are VERY excited and hopping up and down with joy that this beautiful needlework and craft magazine landed in our mailbox, having flown all the way from an entirely different hemisphere and across the Pacific Ocean from the faraway continent of Australia. Why?

It all started with an unexpected proposal for a fun collaboration a little over two years ago.

On January 1, 2010, I had just completed my 365 Cat Ladies project of 2009 with a happy dance and a sigh of relief, having posted my artwork of 365 different Cat Ladies and Lads over the period of a year.  I also received an email on that day from Cat Lady Megan Fisher in Australia.

Megan had enjoyed seeing my artwork and had a proposal for me.  She wanted to adapt one of my Cat Ladies into a needlecraft project for possible publication in Australian Homespun magazine. Lucky for us, it just so happens that Megan is a Technical Editor of the magazine!

copyright 2009 Susan Faye
copyright 2009 Susan Faye
In case you don't know, anything to do with sheep, wool,spinning and knitting are a big deal in The Land Down Under, and Megan liked my knitting cat ladies...

...and in particular, this one that was a custom portrait of avid knitter Cat Lady Teri and her twins, LeeLou and Zuzu, and her departed angels, Red and CC :
copyright 2009 Susan Faye

Unfortunately, Megan had an illness in the family and needed to put the project on a back shelf for the better part of 2010, but eventually she was able to put together a schematic of an applique, embroidery and patchwork wall hanging:
copyright 2012 Megan Fisher

In early 2011, she presented it to the magazine's Editor Catherine Sanchez who said "yes"! As with most magazines of this type, projects like this are planned up to a year in advance (or more) and Ms. Sanchez thought this would be great for their winter issue in 2012 (their seasons are the opposite of those in the Northern Hemisphere). 

Then the real work began for Megan.  Not only would she have to create the actual wall hanging, she also had to write step-by-step instructions and draw an accurate, full-size pattern to be included as an insert in the magazine. Once all that was accomplished, she and I both signed contracts, provided photos and contact information, and...

Voila!  Here is the beautiful finished product that Megan created:

And here is the actual article as it appears in Volume 13 No. 5, Issue #108, the May 2012 issue of Australian Homespun magazine!!!!


 Buttonwillow is particularly pleased that her name now appears in print in an international magazine, highlighting her very special calisthenics routine which can be seen here: Physical Phitness with Buttonwillow

And I'm particularly delighted that there is a full page profile on yours truly and my art... quite a surprise, as I was expecting a very small "blurb"! Buttonwillow and I are feeling pretty big for our britches, pleased as punch, and tickled pink right about now...

To find out more about Australian Homespun (it is a visually beautiful magazine, chock-full of needlework projects of all kinds) click here for their website and blog: Complete Craft/ Homespun

You can order e-zine versions of the magazine for your electronic devices at

In the U.S. you can order actual paper copies online here (at some sites you may have to wait a few weeks until they become "back issues"):

[Note from Megan: "We do not recommend Amazon – they only sell subscriptions and the amount they charge is ridiculous!" ]

In Europe, the distributors are two UK-based firms: 
Manor House Magazines:  


[Update: Giveaway has ended...Thanks to everyone for participating!]
In the meantime, I have one extra copy of the magazine to give away to a lucky reader.  Just leave your name in the comments section of this post and tell us what your favorite thing is about Australia (you know, kangaroos, koalas, Hugh Jackman, etc.)

On Friday, May 11, at 8 p.m. Pacific Daylight Saving Time, I will draw one name at random to receive the copy of the magazine (a $9.95 value in Australian Dollars!)

Please make sure that I have a way to contact you if you are the winner, such as a link to your blog or e-mail address included in the comment. You may send the info directly to my email if you don't want to make your contact info public.

Also, if you encounter trouble with the Comments feature, please contact me by e-mail
. If you visit , you will find an email link.

Thanks for visiting!


  1. My friend Marta and her love of all things Australian is my favorite part of Australia...although I have never been a fan of Vegemite!

  2. Susan - thank you for your very generous comments. It was such a joy to work with your design and 'bring it to life' in another medium. And I'm pleased to hear that Buttonwillow is so chuffed that he rated his own little mention in the magazine.

    Megan Fisher

  3. Ooops - my apologies to Buttonwillow. I called her a 'he' in my previous comment. Sorry Ms B.

    Megan Fisher

  4. I have just received my copy of Homespun in the mail today & didn't even realise Megan's project is included (but I will be making it!)as I didn't get past the article on yourself & your art before I jumped on the laptop in search of you & your work. I love everything I see especially the pendants. I'm off to the shop. From an ardent cat worshipper, thank you for showing these amazing creatures so beautifully. You are an amazing artist with heart. Tracee xx

  5. Karin MessierMay 07, 2012

    I would love a copy of Homespun. Here's crossing fingers & toes.....

    Karin Messier

  6. Karin MessierMay 07, 2012

    I would love a copy of Homespun. Here's crossing fingers & toes.....

    Karin Messier

  7. Though I've never been, Hugh Jackman is definitely a favorite of mine! And he can not only act but can sing and dance!

  8. AnonymousMay 07, 2012

    My favorite Australian import was the 80's band INXS! Remember them?

    Joanne Welch

  9. That's awesome! How cool to see your work in a different medium.

    I love Australian wildlife. As a kid, I had this stuffed animal set that had a kangaroo, a koala bear, and a wombat. They were so cute.

  10. Congratulations! How very exciting and very well deserved! I do hope that Buttonwillow was allowed some treats to celebrate!

    I hadn't heard of this magazine, but I am off to check it out. I am a total fiber person!

  11. Congratulation Susan!! That is so exciting! Love the picture!!! So adorable!

  12. Mafalda sent in her entry by email (Thanks Mafalda!): Congratulations to you and BW for the Homespun article and for such a beautiful sewing project art - love the little kittie angels...
    I think my favourite thing about Australia would have to be the Coral reef barrier and the beautiful sea life.
    Thanks for the giveaway and have a great week!

  13. Cheryl GundersonMay 11, 2012

    Many years ago, a young woman I worked with got the chance to go to Australia, and she brought back the most beautiful photos. I was particularly fascinated with the ones she took at Great Barrier Reef. Someday, I'll go there! Someday.

    Cheryl Gunderson,


Thanks for dropping in...I appreciate your comments. It always makes my day!