April 20, 2012

You're a Poet and You Know It {Giveaway} !

[Note: Giveaway has ended, thank you to all of the participants! Two names were drawn at random to receive mugs: MysTeri and Patchy Meow. Congratulations!]

Did you know that April is National Poetry Month in the United States? It was introduced in 1996 by the Academy of American Poets as a way to increase awareness and appreciation of poetry. 

One way to celebrate is "Poem in Your Pocket Day" on April 26. You are asked select a poem you love, then carry it with you in your pocket and  share it with co-workers, family, and friends.  You can click on this link an find printable poems that will fit in your pocket...

OR, why not write your very own poetry for a chance to win a Susan Faye designer mug?!
Yes, it's time for Pet Haiku!!  Haiku is a beautiful and simple form of Japanese poetry. Give it a try. Just for fun.  

The theme is Springtime Pets.  Write a simple haiku about your pet and Spring (or anything nature-related), and leave your haiku in the comments section of this post for a chance to win your choice of any ceramic mug from my Cafepress Shop.

New to haiku? The simplified version of haiku is usually described as an un-rhymed, three-line poem of 5 syllables, 7 syllables, and 5 syllables.  Here are some examples about my own cat:

Buttonwillow yawns
basking in glowing sunbeams:
long-awaited Spring

Your haiku does not have to be serious. Have some fun:

Just like a beach ball
Buttonwillow bounces fast,
straight for the food bowl.

Each person may leave up to three different haiku in the comments, for three chances to win.

Crazy Cat Lady
Knit One Purr Two
Blessed are the Garden Cats
There are many examples of haiku online, and you can find wonderful examples of cat haiku in a past giveaway here at 365 Cat Ladies: Cat Haiku
Haikus may also be submitted on my identical blog post on The Hive. Giveaway ends the evening of Monday, April 30 at 7 p.m. Pacific Daylight Savings Time. TWO winners will be selected at random and each will receive their choice of one Susan Faye designer mug ($14.00 value), which will be shipped anywhere in the world.

Please make sure that I have a way to contact you if you are a winner, such as a link to your blog or e-mail address (you may send info directly to my email if you don't want to make your contact info public). If you visit http://www.susanfaye.net , you will find an email link

bon appetit
early bird

Also, if you encounter trouble with the Comments feature, you may send your haiku entry directly to my email ...

Thanks for participating!


  1. Joyfully playing in the
    Spring garden: Bad Kitty!
    I shout to no avail.

    (hope that wasn't too terrible lol)

  2. Those are great! Keep 'em coming!

  3. A bug on a rug
    My kitty sees instantly
    Pounce, crunch, no more bug.

    Ewwwwww, right! My kitties save me from so many bugs. A commentor above me wrote about bugs and kitties and got me going.

  4. I am basking in the sun
    Sweet smell of spring flowers
    Time for a nap yawn.

    The Five Cats Chronicles

  5. Knock! Knock! Knock! they go
    Birds pecking at the windows
    Cat's going Crazy!

    jhbalvin at gmail dot com

  6. Hi, Susan! Cat Lady Jeanne here. Never can resist a challenge, especially as the Horde has been enjoying spring so much.

    Tail twitching, Flora
    lurks 'neath the feeder, hoping
    for feathered fauna.

    In springtime, birds know
    that small tigers sometimes lurk
    under the tulips.

    Springtime is for love
    and nesting, while in summer
    the jays dive-bomb cats.

    Spring brings fresh grass to
    nibble, fresh blooms to smell,
    and hairballs to barf.

    (We're having much of the latter, it being shedding season.) Teaberry at gmail dot com

  7. Spring rain falls sweetly
    Purring kitty warms my lap
    Peaceful bliss is mine

    Glorious whiskers
    Fluffy tail tickles my face
    Spring afternoon nap

    I would float away
    Without the feline anchor
    That keeps me grounded

    Birds singing outside
    Sleepy cats snuggled inside
    Purrfect springtime zen

    I feel so inspired by this contest and the beauty of spending the rainy day loving my cats. Thank you!

  8. Creatures in our yard
    Bunnies, squirrels, deer and slugs
    The Cat rules supreme!

    Tulips, Daffodils...
    Spring flowers do not compare
    To Lazy Cat Smile.

    That was fun!
    jhbalvin at gmail dot com

  9. ~♥~ SPRING ~♥~
    Spring-time is now here ...
    The flowers show God's glory ...
    Do not pick them all.

  10. Another lovely one from Debra B., who also posted the previous Haiku:

    ~ My Siamese Kitten ~

    Soft ball of warm fur ...
    Fills my heart with love and joy ...
    Love to hear her purr.

  11. Here is a beautiful entry by Joan P:

    Cat hears the cricket
    Song of spring that speaks to her
    Creatures sharing earth.

  12. Dreaming Kitty Cat
    Twitches feet, tail and whiskers
    Do Not Wake Her Up!

  13. Birds tweet above
    How I wish to fly
    must stay on the ground.

    Spring's all around
    Flowers meet the sun
    Meow to all =o.o=

    The Five Cats Chronicles

  14. Escapee! I cry
    Barabas has gotten outside!
    Time to find the treats.

  15. noelnicole13April 30, 2012

    Soft and gentle breeze
    Whiff of neighbor's barbecue
    Chasing dragonflies

  16. noelnicole13April 30, 2012

    Buttonwillow dreams
    of frolicking underneath
    purple whimsy skies

  17. opening tuna can
    tuna juice for my kitty cats
    sandwiches for me

    ZuZu and LeeLou
    napping on the back porch
    spring sunshine for all


Thanks for dropping in...I appreciate your comments. It always makes my day!