December 16, 2011

More Pet Poetry!

The Holiday Pet Haiku Giveaway ends tomorrow...have you entered yet? Here are just a few of the wonderful entries so far:

jhitomi wrote...
My cat wants sunshine
Please Santa will you bring us
Some Vitamin D?

Birgit wrote...

Dog looks for Santa

perched on the window sill

barking til dawn.

Growling and barking
he scares Santa Claus away
to my big dismay.

Amber wrote...
Mittens loves cocoa
Tries to sneak a sip from me
Batting at the froth

Now it's your turn...Give it a try!

Haiku is a beautiful and elegant form of Japanese poetry. The simplified version of haiku is usually described as an un-rhymed, three-line poem of 5 syllables, 7 syllables, and 5 syllables. See what you can come up with using the theme of pets and a holiday of your choice (Christmas, Hannukkah, New Year's, Kwanzaa, etc).

Then leave your haiku in the comments section of the original post for a chance to win one of three prizes:
THREE winners will be selected at random and each will receive a

$25 gift certificate to my Etsy Shop!

Each person may leave up to three different haiku in the comments, for three chances to win. Giveaway ends tomorrow, Saturday Dec. 17th.

Thanks for participating!

1 comment:

Thanks for dropping in...I appreciate your comments. It always makes my day!