December 6, 2011

Farewell to a Faithful Friend

I first met Reva Dog eleven-some years ago. She was a young girl then, and belonged to my sweetheart Dave. He had rescued her as a stray. She was shy and sweet and devoted to her canine "big brother" Scout, following him wherever he went.

She was an outdoor girl, built for cold climates and mountain climbing, but equally enjoyed many adventures in the deserts, valleys and canyons of California, Arizona, and most recently, Oregon. She loved gamboling, racing, exploring, and basically running wild and free in the Great Outdoors, always with her companion Scout, until he passed away a few years ago.

I'm going to miss her vivacious "doggie dance" and woo-wooo howling at dinner time, her impossibly fluffy ears, and her infinite patience with small, annoying cats. (Buttonwillow the cat thrilled at tormenting the gentle giant of a dog, unaware that she could be snapped in two at any moment by the jaws of the infinitely tolerant beast who chose to ignore her animal instincts)...

I'm going to miss her "Wookie talk" (she could sound just like Chewbacca) and the way her great plume of a tail would spin in a circle like a giant propeller whenever she would gallop to greet Dave.

Goodbye, sweet girl dog and faithful friend.


  1. Its so hard when they leave us, I still am missing my twelve year old cat Tucker he passed this July we love them & then have to say goodbye one day. She looks like she was a very pleasant dog. Prayers for you are said today my friend.


  2. Sorry to hear about your loss, but now she's playing all the time and eating doggy treats.

    It's been a year since my 20 yr old cat Stubbers passed, and I'm still tearing up.

    It gets better! We adopted 2 new kittens and they're keeping us very busy.

  3. What a beautiful girl. I'm so sorry she's gone. I enjoyed reading about your memories of her.

  4. I'm so sorry for your loss....what a beautiful girl she was in life...and now forever in your heart...
    Hugs to you...

  5. I am so sorry for your loss. They are not like family, they ARE family.

  6. So sorry Susan! She was such a beautiful dog!

  7. Thanks for your kind words, everyone! She was such a sweet creature, totally devoted to her "savior" Dave, and there was never any question that she was "his" dog. I'm glad she was gracious enough to allow me-- the other woman -- be a part of her life. :-)

  8. Love is forever, dear Susan.

  9. Oh I'm so sorry. I still remember and miss every one of my pets that have crossed Rainbow Bridge. I like to believe they are all having a pet holiday and enjoying the good life; unlimited food and play every moment, all the while keeping watch on us from above :) She won't forget you and Dave, just as you won't forget her and Scout. Stay strong my friend. Jeannine

  10. My heart goes out to you. I know how hard it is when we lose our beloved furry family members.

    It is hard and sad to say goodbye, but we must always remember (again, I know it's hard) the joy and love they brought to our lives while they were with us. We all have been blessed by these little furry family members.

    She clearly had the most adorable and loving face and obviously made a wonderful and important impression on the lives of many.

  11. What a sweet face! It's so wonderful when people and animals are so perfectly matched and get to enjoy each other's company. A sad loss, but such a blessing that you were together. I love your descriptions of her.

  12. I am so sorry for your loss. It is a great loss too...

  13. I am so sorry to hear about Reva's passing. I hope you and Dave find comfort in each other and the many wonderful memories.

  14. I am so sorry for your great loss. Loss of a faithful companion and friend is difficult and I pray that you find some peace though you will continue to miss your friend.

  15. Thank you everyone, for such heartfelt and comforting words. I know that each and every one of you know what we are feeling.


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