October 14, 2011

Once a Cat Lady, Always a Cat Lady

Today marks the end of yet one more complete orbit around the sun. In other words, I've added a new number to my age. In other words, I ain't no spring chicken. In other words, I enjoyed a lovely birthday today.

Here I am when I actually
was a spring chicken [note: this is the first time, and definitely the last time that I will ever appear topless on the internet]:

Many beloved pets have paraded through my life over these many decades: goldfish, dogs, guinea pigs, tadpole/frogs, turtles, parakeets, tropical fish, my son's bearded dragon, and of course, cats, kitties, felines, and kittens.

The two polydactyl orange tabby kittens pictured here were my introduction to petdom. They weren't officially pets, as they were part of a family of strays that lived in our woodpile out back and kept it free of mice. But we got to play with the kittens and I loved these two in particular. They were twins, except for the fact that one had six toes on each paw, and the other had seven.

This former spring chicken and longtime Cat Lady would like to thank everyone who has contributed to a fantastic year as we circle the sun together, ending with your warm wishes and thoughtful greetings today!! You are loved and appreciated!


  1. Well, a very Happy Birthday to you from one cat lady to another! Glad you had a nice one. And your photo is very sweet.

  2. Happy birthday! What a cute picture!! I love it!

  3. Happy Birthday, from another cat lady! Glad it was purrfect. Love the picture!

  4. Happy Birthday, dear Susan!!!!!!
    What a sweet picture!!!
    From a fellow Libran AND Cat Lady! :)

  5. Thanks gals! I had a great day! I found this photo a few years ago at my parents' house when sorting through things after they passed away. I always hated wearing clothes when I was little, especially in Southern California back in the day when no one had air conditioning and it was always scorching hot!

  6. What an absolutely sweet photo. I did not become a 'cat lady' til I got divorced when I was 24 and it's been all purrs since then...

  7. Happy birthday!!!
    I love the post and your photo are so sweet!!!
    One million kisses!

  8. Happy belated Birthday! :)


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