October 3, 2011

A Happy Day

Thank you to everyone who participated in last week's Calendar Giveaway! It was fun reading everyone's description of their favorite day of the year on 365 Cat Ladies and over at The Hive. . Birthdays and Christmas were high on the list, but there were many other fun and interesting days mentioned...

Without further ado, here are the three winners, whose names were drawn at random. Each will receive one of my new 2012 Mini Cat Ladies Calendars:

ERIN (mom to 8 cats) who said: I always love Thanksgiving day.

VALERIE who said: My favorite day of the year is EVERY DAY. Truly. (Valerie lives in Austria and creates beautiful fabric wrapped coil baskets--visit her blog Val's Play)

DESPINA who said: Christmas!!


More favorite days that were mentioned:

jc said... My favorite day of the year is the 1st of January, there's nothing more exciting than the beginning of a brand new year!

Katysaid... Our favorite day is St. Francis Day!

TopHat said...I love March 8, International Women's Day!

Jenna said... Dia de los Muertos! Partly because it's my birthday too :)

Anne said... Valentine's Day -- a day especially for love!

And my personal favorite, a Leap Year Baby (who has been on the planet for a number of decades but is still a teenager!!!)

thieba said... My number one choice is of course Leap Day because it's my birthday. I'll finally be 14 in 2012. Since that's only once every four years, my second choice is Thanksgiving. It's all about the food - yummy pumpkin pie - and family.

Thanks for visiting!

Didn't win a calendar? Don't despair...2012 Calendars are now for sale in my Etsy shop: 2010 Cat Lady Calendar

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