September 26, 2011

A Leap Year Cometh

Did you know that the year 2012 will be a leap year, with February 29 being added to the calendar?

According to "A leap year in the Gregorian calendar includes an extra day at the end of February. A leap year consists of 366 days, whereas other years, called common years, have 365 days. The extra day, February 29 is the 60th day of a leap year in the Gregorian calendar."

Did you know that a leap year is also called an intercalary or bissextile year?

Did you know that the actual time it takes for the earth to make one complete journey around the sun is about 365.2422 days long,which is why we need to adjust the Gregorian calendar every four years or so?

Did you know that 2012 is less than 14 weeks away? If you are like me, I've already had to look at a 2012 calendar several times to check on dates for next year. Which is why I FINALLY finished up a calendar for Nature Lovers (see first photo) and also a
CAT LADY Mini Calendar for 2012!

I have been meaning to design a calendar since 2009, with the idea of giving it to family and friends as a Christmas gift. Every autumn, sometime around mid-October, I've started working on one. Then *BAM* the holiday frenzy starts and I run out of time and mental prowess to finish up the calendar.

This year my brain kicked in a month early, and I was able to complete the calendar! I used images from my 365 Cat Ladies series of ACEO watercolor artwork... I print 4 calendar pages on each 8.5 x 11 sheet of card stock, then cut it into fourths, making each page 4-1/4" x 5-1/2".

There are 13 loose leaf pages-- January through December, plus a cover. On the back of the cover are important dates to remember, plus room to write in your own special dates (you know, like Kitty Dearest's birthday!).

The calendar is printed on white card stock. The pages are 4-1/4" x 5-1/2" and held at the top with a shiny gold clip. You can hang the calender on a wall using the clip. To use as a desk calendar, remove the clip and display the calendar on a small easel .


[Giveaway is now closed. Winners have been chosen and notified...Thanks for participating!]
To celebrate the completion of this monumental task -- three years in the making -- I am giving away a calendar to THREE different winners (a $14.00 value each, plus shipping worldwide is included).

To enter, just leave a comment at the end of the post, telling me what your favorite day of the year is.
Giveaway ends on Sunday, October 2, when I will draw three names at random.

Please make sure that I have a way to contact you if you are the winner, such as a link to your blog or e-mail address . You may send info directly to my email if you don't want to make your contact info public. If you visit , you will find an email link. Also, if you encounter trouble with the Comments feature, you may send your entry directly to my email.


  1. A must have! So beautiful , Susan.

    My fave page is April, very original.

  2. Love the calendar! My fav day is my birthday - April 19th. 2nd favourite is November 13th - my husband's birthday - we always do something nice together.

  3. I always love Thanksgiving day.


  4. I have to say it's actually 3 days - Thanksgiving weekend - or what our family calls "Thanks-mas"! We have extended family (sisters, groen nieces, nephews, daughter and hubby and grandkiddos)all from other states in and we have the "normal" Thanksgiving day - then the next day is our "Thanks-mas Eve" where we shop, wrap, eat and and get ready for "Thanks-mas" morning when we give and receive Christmas presents (in our jammmies) we wouldn't be able to see either other open and enjoy - then it's to the park for football or to the neighboring farm for hayrides - the next day they all leave- and they are then able to focus on their own traditions, shopping and Christmas festivities. The grandkiddos love it 'cos it's like having 2 Christmas' in one year:-)

  5. My special day is January 29th because it marks the anniversary of when I found my dog in the middle of a busy street. She is now my best friend and we go back every year to that spot where I rescued her so I can tell her what a gift she is in my life. Oh...and I rescue cats too (I have six). Love your work! Just awesome! :)

  6. My favorite day is any day in Autumn....I love-love-love Autumn!!!

  7. Love your art! My favorite day is Christmas. Love watching my family open presents.

  8. My favorite day of the year is EVERY DAY. Truly.

  9. Truly and magically beautiful! : ) My favorite day of the year is my adventurously spirited, 3 (almost 4) year old son's birthday....29 September.....such a dazzlingly inspirational day of true to heart wonder and delightful create and delicious mama love! : )

    Thanks so very much for this truly wonderful giveaway! : )


  10. My fave day is Christmas! Btw, just letting you know that as a way of saying thank you for the tulip necklace giveaway, I'm featuring your biz here.

  11. Simply charming! My favorite day would be Thanksgiving..I love the fall!

  12. My favorite day of the year is the 1st of January, there's nothing more exciting than the beginning of a brand new year!

    Thanks for the lovely giveaway, the calendar is simply purrfect!

  13. Our favorite day is St. Francis Day!

  14. My favorite day is June 21 (the first day of Summer and the day my Mr. and I got married). <3

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  15. Sooooo cute - my kitties would luv it!!! Thanks for the cool giveaway!

    My favourite day of the year is June 21st (the most daylight of any day of the year!!!)

  16. I love March 8, International Women's Day!

    hrfarley at gmail dot com

  17. Dia de los Muertos! Partly because it's my birthday too :)


    great blog, btw!

  18. Christmas!!


  19. My favourite day is my birthday :))


  20. My favorite day is the first day of baseball season whenever that is! My husband and I watch the Yankees. I also like my birthday June 10.
    jhbalvin at gmail dot com

  21. My favourite month of the year got to be February, because February 11th is my baby - my pet dog "CASPER'S BIRTHDAY" I guess he is the most amazing thing which has happened to me in this whole world. I cannot live without him and I cherish the day when he was born.I remember when he came to my place, he was a lil 1 month old pup.That day I did not know that a time will come when 365 days of the year not even a single second will go without thinking about him.So this month is really very special to me ^_^

    And I must say your art is amazing <3 it

    <3 Apurva

    My email id is :

    P.s. you can also contact me on my blog ( I have a giveaway too ^_^)

  22. Valentine's Day -- a day especially for love!

  23. Thanksgiving! I get to spend time with family :)

    Lmr3683 at hotmail dot com

  24. October 1st! It's the start of fall and the holiday season and the month my Birthday is as well. Though as an avid shopper and bargain hunter, Balck Friday is a close 2nd!
    sezouli at yahoo dot com

  25. I like the first day in spring that the weather is perfect for getting into the garden and starting planting for the year.

  26. I love Christmas!

  27. I like that day in the spring when the last of the snow melts away and I wake up to the song of cardinals in my backyard.

    marija.majerle at gmail dot com

  28. I love that you had November 2012 in your snap shot that you uploaded. I celeberate my bday end of this month.
    It is so difficult to chose my favourite day in a year. But let me just zoom down to October 2, which is Mahatama Gandhi's birthday. He taught the world to stand up for its rights, but to do so peacefully.
    Thanks for hosting the giveaway
    lukathewriter(at) gmail (dot) com

  29. Love your work. My favorite day of the year is the first day of spring which often is the same day as my birthday.

  30. My favorite day of the year is the first day of summer vacation.

  31. I have two favorite days of the year!!! My birthday and my wedding anniversary :) Thanks for entering me!

  32. when the clock goes an hour back! :)

  33. My kids' birthdays
    robinlscott4 at hotmail dot com

  34. my favorite day is today, always today. what better day is there? :)

    April Gray

  35. My number one choice is of course Leap Day because it's my birthday. I'll finally be 14 in 2012. Since that's only once every four years, my second choice is Thanksgiving. It's all about the food - yummy pumpkin pie - and family. If I'm the lucky winner - my email address is: Thanks! Love everything you do and Buttonwillow.

  36. Alison CCL#333October 02, 2011

    Being a big fan of Fall - I'm going to pick Thanksgiving. A very special day set aside to give thanks. Everyone can(should) celebrate this one regardless. Day usually includes family and/or friends...and good food. For most of us a day we get a "day off" (4 day weekend) on Friday as well. It is also birthday week in my family - me and my brother's in late November (My bday can even fall ON Thanksgiving!). One can start looking ahead to the holiday season once Thanksgiving arrives.

  37. I guess my favorite day is my birthday after all (July 21). :)

  38. I like my birtday
    June 17th
    lusizova at

  39. Cat Lady Sam sent in her entry via email: Well now that is a toss-up.

    Do I pick the birthdays of my 2 Maine Coons, their adoption dates from the shelters or Sept.19th. International Talk Like A Pirate Day?

    Birthdays: Reilly 5/7/04, Miss Sprite 6/15/07

    Adoptions: Reilly 8/26/04, Miss Sprite 1/29/09

  40. Thanks God its Friday ! :)

    Much Thankies for the chance dear
    Good luck for me

    Liz Secret Rendezvous

  41. My current favourite day is 1 September - it is Tiger's birthday AND the start of Aussie spring. :)

  42. My fave day is January 6th - the Epiphany. It's the day when the Christmas season is officially over and I can get back to my life. (bah humbug!)


Thanks for dropping in...I appreciate your comments. It always makes my day!