September 5, 2011

Labor Day Summer Daze

It has come to my attention that there are many different criteria that people use to mark the official end of summer. I decided to conduct a Very Scientific Poll on my Facebook Page and asked: When does summer officially end for you? (you can still participate by visiting this link)

image copyright 2011 Susan Faye

Here are the results as of this morning:
  • On the autumnal equinox, Sept 23rd - 15 people
  • On Labor Day- 9 people
  • On the last day of HOT weather- 3 people
  • When the clocks go back- 2 people
  • When I have to go back to school - 1 person
  • Never. I live in Southern California- 1 person
  • It just began in the NW. Please give us until the end of November - 2 people
Of course we must not forget our friends south of the equator. They are fast approaching the end of winter and summer is but a glimmer of a memory...

As for me, I usually mark the end of summer on the equinox, however, this year I'm leaning toward that last answer--"Please give us until the end of November". Here in Oregon, we had an unusually wet and cold spring, and summer has not been much better. I have a greenhouse FULL of green tomatoes, and I don't want a repeat of my first summer spent here when it turned cold on the equinox and we were left with dozens of not-quite-ripe tomatoes that split open when it started to rain. Grrrrrrrr. Can you tell that I have not quite gotten over it yet?

Now I know that there are people to the south and in the Midwest who have been ready for summer to end since sometime in July due to extreme heat and I empathize with them, having grown up in Southern California. But I vote for more summer. And to help give everyone some sunny thoughts, I've added some sunny new jewelry to my Etsy shop...

I've also added a few new pieces to the Secret Garden collection:

(All of my jewelry is hand-crafted using small glass tiles and details from my various paintings and artwork. A mini print of my artwork is preserved under the crystal-clear glass, sealed on the back, and then a silvertone bail is attached at the top so that a chain or sterling silver earwires can be added. )

So pour yourself another ice cold glass of lemonade and enjoy however many days you may or may not have left of summer. I'm pretending that I don't see the yellow and red leaves sneaking into all that green...

Thanks for visiting!


  1. North of NYC, we stretch it out until the last leaf falls in Nov. or when it gets cold enough to stop wearing open-toed shoes, which ever comes first.

  2. oooh love the earrings especially.As a fellow cat lady i had to put your badge on my blog ..just because it was so cute :)


Thanks for dropping in...I appreciate your comments. It always makes my day!