August 11, 2011

Story Time in Annika's Secret Garden

Words and images copyright 2011 Susan Faye. All rights reserved. May not be reproduced in ANY form, including electronically, without express written permission of the artist. Thank you for respecting this policy with regards to ALL artists--it's good karma!!

to the secret garden.

I am Paprika, the Garden Cat, and this is my boy, Sunny Sam.

Come with me through the garden gate, but shhhhhhh, don't tell anyone how you found it. It's a secret, you know...

A secret garden is a quiet place to be still and thoughtful with your hopes and dreams; it's a beautiful place to spend time with your special siblings-- daughters and sons of Mother Earth, just like you and me and Sunny Sam...

...just like Annika, my girl, and the Gardenkeeper of the secret garden. With food and water and a sprinkling of love, she encourages all of us to grow and thrive... Horace the Owl. He likes to sleep during the day but will always wake up long enough to greet visitors whenever they stop by.

"Whoowelcome friends," he croons before his sleepy eyelids flutter back into place. the fragrant flower blossoms that sway to the music of the breeze. Listen...can you hear the wind song too? Annika loves how the tulips tickle her nose with their delicate perfume and make her eyes dance with their sweet candy colors.

...and like the little green beetle that lives in the perfectly peachy tulip, three pink blossoms to the right of the shade tree.

Hope you have enjoyed your stay in the secret garden; you are welcome back any time. Your sisters and brothers will be waiting for you.

All under the watchful eye of Mother Earth,

And her mom, Grandmother Sun.

It's one big happy family. Aren't you happy to be a part of it?

Thanks for visiting! Come back soon!

Prints of The Secret Garden are now available in my Etsy Shop.
Click here to see several versions... Secret Garden Prints


  1. I adore Paprika and Sunny Sam! That is so sweet! Thanks for the lovely visit to the garden. I feel very refreshed now.

  2. So glad you enjoyed your stay Jennifer! :o)

  3. Thank you for my lovely stamps. I received them last week and now I need to write some letters!

  4. Thanks for linking up at Market Your Biz and Giveaways :) I just commented here not on your actual giveaway :)


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