August 25, 2011

So Many Secret Gardens, So Little Time!

I'm just loving all of the beautiful descriptions of special garden hideaways in the Secret Garden Giveaway, aren't you? They all sound so beautiful and peaceful. I'll take one of each, please!

Katy~The Country Blossom said... The five must haves for my own secret garden would be roses, lots of roses! I would love walls covered in ivy (like in the book and movie the Secret Garden), a swing, growing herbs and a bench in the middle! :)

Fage said... My secret garden would have thousands of colorful flowers, a quiet, still pond, lush green grass good for laying down and watching the clouds, a gazebo for picnics and last of all a huge tree for shade... Am i there yet?

Chrissykat said... My secret garden would have a screened in porch (so the
kitties are safe & so are the birds), Lilac bushes full of hummingbirds, a birdbath, a water fountain & thousands of daisies.

Birgit said... Anything goes in my secret garden, doesn't it? Well then... In my secret garden there would be a hedge labyrinth with a comfortable bench in the middle, the magic apple tree from "Garden Spells," lots of birds and butterflies, millions of flowers in every color, and, of course, a handsome gardener who helps me keeping the garden perfect and secret.

There is still time to share YOUR five must-haves for your own secret garden...

Visit the Secret Garden Giveaway and share your recipe for a perfect secret garden and you will be entered for a chance to win one of three prizes. Three names will be drawn at random on Sunday, August 28th, to receive their choice of a brand new Secret Garden print or pendant (includes chain) from my Etsy shop ($16-18 value, plus includes shipping to anywhere worldwide).

Thanks for participating!!

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