August 29, 2011

Secret Garden Giveaway Winners!

Thank you to everyone who participated by describing your five must-haves for your own Secret Garden! Hammocks, waterfalls, ponds, roses and hummingbirds were some of the top must-haves. Check out all of the creative comments at the end of this post.

Three names were drawn at random to receive their choice of a Secret Garden pendant or print from my Etsy shop.

SJ who said... "My secret garden will have a waterfall, porch, lots of sunflowers, trellis of beautiful flowers, and a tree". Check out her blog called Homemaker on a Dime, where she hosts blog hops, link parties, and other fun activities.

Newlywed Briana said... "my secret garden would have a cozy cottage, a koi pond, a little bridge, waterfall/stream to the pond, and roses!"

Sandy Prenzi from The Hive said: "My secret garden must have Fairies fluttering from flower to flower ~ A deep blue pond surrounded by weeping willows and inhabited with the beauty of Swans ~ A soft breeze whispering through the willows and the sweet music of the birds as they flit from tree to tree". Be sure to check out her wonderful clay creations at:
Sandy's Creations in Clay

Congratulations to all!!!!


  1. Congrats to the lucky winner! :)

    Oh, and thanks for posting my thoughts about my secret garden!

  2. Congrats to the winner!!!


Thanks for dropping in...I appreciate your comments. It always makes my day!