July 18, 2011

Lavenderlicious Winners Announced

Congratulations to our two winners, whose names were drawn at random! Each prize consists of a ceramic cat lover's mug from my Cafepress shop and a matching lavender-filled sachet from my Etsy shop.

Marija's favorite color is " the blue of a crystal clear lake on a calm day- crisp, bold, and shimmery" and she enjoys nature photography. Marija lives in The Land of 10,000 Lakes (Minnesota)-- hope you are finding ways to stay cool this week, Marija, near one of those crystal clear lakes!

Marija won this gift set:

Hannah #2 (we had 2 different Hannahs that entered) said: " My favorite color is definitely blue!" She is a college student and also enjoys photography. She has one brother, 4 cats, 2 dogs, and a Guinea Pig named Cookie. Check out her website.

Hannah #2 won this gift set:

Thank you to everyone who entered! I loved reading all of the creative and beautiful descriptions of colors. Check them out in the comments section of the original post: Lavenderlicious Giveaway


  1. Congrats to the winners! Yay!!!

  2. Thank you for the lovely giveaway, and congratulations to the two lucky winners!

  3. Thanks so much for this giveaway! I'm so excited to get my cup and drink some java!



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