July 6, 2011

Isabella Enjoys Her 'Nip

Meet Isabella. Isabella recently received a Susan Faye catnip ravioli toy and apparently found it irresistible, as documented by Cat Lady Sharon in this clip:

Isabella is the loving companion of Sharon's mom Barbara, pictured here in front of a beautiful geometric quilt. Barbara was lucky enough to acquire the antique quilt at an estate sale auction on Nantucket Island for just $17.

Sharon tells us a little more about Isabella:
"Isabella was a bright light during my father's last year. She would jump up on his lap for some love and would nap with him. She is a very sweet and affectionate cat who has given my Mom much comfort since my father's death in 2009.

"Isabella really is a delight. She is very friendly with all guests, but Mom is clearly her favorite human. Isabella is pretty small and she likes to sit on my Mom's shoulder and lick her face.

"Isabella is a stalker and hunter whether she is in the bay window or outside when she sneaks out.
She sits in the bay window of the living room watching for prey outside. If she sees something interesting she hides behind a statue in the window so she can't be seen. Mom has a very nice screened-in porch (with special cat-proof screens) off the back of the house and there is a rabbit who has made its home under the porch. Isabella sniffs around the floor 'til she can 'find' the rabbit and then paws at the floor until something else catches her interest. She sees wild turkeys occasionally but must realize they are bigger than her because she doesn't crouch down into attack mode. She just watches them calmly..."

That's some bunny kick you've got there in the video clip, Isabella. Those turkeys wouldn't have a chance!

Thanks for visiting!

You'll find my catnip ravioli toys in my Etsy Shop at this link: Catnip toys


  1. What a lovely clip to watch - just the thing to start my day. That must be some super nip in there!

  2. Yes, Buttonwillow has tested the catnip extensively and assures me it is of the highest quality and very potent... :-)

  3. adorable! And the lady in the painting could be my Mother-in-Law! She loves her grandcats!!


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