June 4, 2011

Wheelbarrow-Cat-Needs-A-Name Giveaway

Thanks to your feedback and suggestions in the Let's Play Giveaway last month, my Wheelbarrow Cat artwork is finished. Wheelbarrow Cat is part of a larger illustration that I'll be introducing over the next few weeks. In the mean time, Wheelbarrow Cat needs a name. Any ideas? First you might like to get to know him a little better...

Wheelbarrow Cat wants to know:
What is your favorite thing to wheel around in a wheelbarrow?

Compost? Garden tools? Pool toys?
Watermelons, rutabagas, baby palm trees?
Potted petunias, fence posts, diamonds from your diamond mine?

Or a favorite cat, perhaps?

Wheelbarrow Cat's favorite thing in a wheelbarrow is a bag full of sunflower seed.
Or "bird bait" as he likes to think of it.
Because when a big bag full of sunflower seed appears, it means that the bird feeders will soon be filled to the brim.

And that means lots of feathered friends will start to appear.
And that means Wheelbarrow Cat's mouth will start to water.
And he will start to get ideas in his head.
Ideas that make him twitch and itch and wiggle in funny ways.

That is, until Garden Keeper Carletta comes around the corner and says, "Don't get any ideas, silly cat. It's time to go inside."

And then Wheelbarrow Cat is quite content to sit on Carletta's lap and have his itchy ears scratched while he watches that big juicy song sparrow through the window. And the song sparrow sings its happy thank you song and all is well in the world.

GIVEAWAY TIME: Please leave your suggestion for Wheelbarrow Cat's name in the comments section of this post (and while you're there, share with us your favorite use of a wheelbarrow if you'd like). Suggestions will also be accepted in an identical post over at The Hive. Entries will be accepted until Saturday, June 11th, 7 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. At that time, THREE names will be drawn at random to receive a signed 8" x 10" print of Wheelbarrow Cat ($14.00 value) which is now available in my Etsy Shop. Will ship to anywhere in the world.

Please make sure that I have a way to contact you if you are the winner, such as a link to your blog or e-mail address (you may send info directly to my email if you don't want to make your contact info public).

If you visit www.susanfaye.net , you will find an email link
. Also, if you encounter trouble with the Comments feature, you may send your entry directly to my email.

Thanks for participating!


  1. I would name Wheelbarrow cat Wheeley or Rider.

    Moving dirt or stones is the only time I used a wheelbarrow.

  2. I would name this darling Wheelbarrow-Cat: Gardner
    (alternate spelling to Gardener)

  3. AnonymousJune 05, 2011

    Magpie (because of his coloring).

    urchiken at gmail dot com

  4. Sneakers; because he looks like my kitty gone long time ago to the Rainbow bridge.

  5. Captain Wheeler von Barrow the IV or Wheeler for short.

  6. Hi: Good giveaway. I would name the cat Sunny. Looks like he likes to be out side. Cute art work. Favorite thing to carrie in a wheelbarrow is gardening supplies and small bags of mulch.

  7. I don't know...he looks like a Norman to me :-)

    I move rich, dark soil around the garden in my wheelbarrow putting it on various beds to make the flowers grow.

  8. For some reason the name "Cider" popped into my head when I saw the words 'needs a name'.

    My favorite thing to wheelbarrow...wait I'm a cat. I don't wheelbarrow. I'll ask the human.

    She says she loves to wheelbarrow the garden decorations back outside (as many are stored indoors during the cold s'nooo season). It makes it easier to get them out in as few trips as possible and means spring/summer has officially arrived.
    It also means open window season for me as well.

  9. Hunter (for his love of birds) or Pete (as in Peat Moss) or Sonny (for loving sunflower seeds so)...

    I don't have a wheelbarrow...but I do have a dolly....my daughter loves to be pushed around on it :)

  10. I would name him Ando (Buddhist name for Peaceful Way.)

    Last spring we wheelbarrowed a load of red lava rock all over our yard. Hard work, but it worked out well.

    jhbalvin at gmail dot com

  11. If he was a girl, I would've named her Flora because of the love to flowers, but being a man he ought to be a Sir Benjamin:)

    Susan, your work is gorgeous, I absolutely love it and also posted about the giveaway on Craftdom:

  12. Love this! Looks like our Mosie cat :) I'd name him Riley or Felix :)

  13. Lets see.....Green Gardner?


  14. I used to have a pug dog who loved to ride in my wheel barrow. My kids loved pushing about the place at a great pace. He loved it!
    You lovely cat looks like an Urchin because it has a twinkle in it's eye.

  15. i would name him "Cie embul " means lovely fatty cat.


  16. AnonymousJune 10, 2011

    I would call him "Easy Rider"

  17. for me...WheellyCat !

  18. My favorite thing to wheelbarrow around would be flagstones for a beautiful path in my Japanese garden.
    I would name the cat Hullabaloo because sunflower seeds make me think of seed hulls, and also because he looks like a Hullabaloo-lovin' kind of cat!

  19. AnonymousJune 11, 2011

    I use the wheelbarrow for putting weeds into, and lugging wood chips around the yard.
    He looks like he could be a sylvester.
    robinlscott4 at hotmail dot com

  20. He looks like a Bernard to me - don't know why....

    I'd use my wheelbarrow to carry the lollipops from my lollipop tree (just wishing)

    catswhisker at blueyonder dot CO dot UK

  21. AnonymousJune 11, 2011

    C.Moore Byrd

  22. Jean WilliamsJune 11, 2011

    He looks like his name would be "Sluggo"... he looks laid back but yet ready for action if need be :)

  23. He looks like a Jasper to me!

    skkorman AT bellsouth DOT net

  24. How about Jungle Cat, Digger, or Weed eater? Green thumb, Cultivator Cat or Flower Stalker. Get it, Flower Stalk(er)? Or Stems maybe...


Thanks for dropping in...I appreciate your comments. It always makes my day!