June 15, 2011

Name Games, Continued...

THANK YOU to Bead Artist Chris Maj for coming up with the wonderful name for Wheelbarrow Cat! Be sure to check out her fantastic creations at her blog: Bead-n-4-Fun and Beyond. In our very scientific poll, her suggestion of Captain Wheeler von Barrow the IV received the most votes at 14. Thank you to everyone for all of your creative suggestions! Stay tuned for a story about "Wheeler" and some of his garden friends...

Did you play the anagram name game yet? Cat Lady Rose of Angelcat Haven did! She wrote: Hey Susan, I love anagrams! Here are my favorites for my name Rose Gates:
Assert Ego
Sago Trees
Go See Arts
and my favorite.....
Tea Ogress!
Can't you just picture a female ogre drinking tea?

Angelcat Haven is celebrating their 500th adoption. Be sure to visit their website and congratulate these wonderful Cat Ladies on their accomplishment!

Try out your own name and then share the results with us in the comments!


  1. Berate June Fir :)

  2. Well, I used the name my grands call me "Grammie" and the one I liked best was Emma Rig..that's it..me perfect Pen Name..LOL

  3. That IS the perfect pen name Colleen. Or the perfect alias for your life as a spy... :-)


Thanks for dropping in...I appreciate your comments. It always makes my day!