June 24, 2011

My Very First Mini Art Zine Is On The Scene!

I've had a lot of fun over the past week designing my very first collectible mini art "zine". A zine is usually described as an inexpensively produced (often photo-copied), self-published booklet with a circulation of less than 5000. Originally, they were in the format of underground comics but now cover all kinds of topics and styles. You can find lots of original and creative zines on Etsy.com.

I made my first one using my latest artwork "The Garden Shed". It is a single piece of 8.5 x 11" paper (100 percent recycled) that is folded, then strategically snipped in one spot...then re-folded into a little 8-page booklet. I also made a matching envelope for it!

The trick is to first divide the page into eighths and lay out your pages in a certain order so that when finished, they are in the right order.

Then there are a series of origami-like folds...

and one strategic snip:

Then re-folding like this:

And voila! You have a mini zine!

Want to try it for yourself? There are lots of tutorials on the internet, but here is my favorite from The Crafty Chica :

Copies of my very first art zine edition "The Garden Shed" are now available in my Etsy shop at a very special introductory price at this link: Susan's Very First Art Zine!
They make great little gift inserts or can be sent as a greeting card. The story ends with the message "Summer is here! Let's Celebrate!" Surprise your favorite youngster, cat lady or garden goddess with this cheerful story about the joy of backyard gardening!



  1. This is great info! Thanks for sharing the "how to's"!

  2. You did a great job - it looks wonderful. Thanks for the tutorial, too. Maybe some day I will....

  3. this is precious! I love window views...looking in or looking out...it's time for me to create another new window view...what a great book...very creative and teaches as well!

  4. Susan...great to have you in the July whimsy pool - come by and vote or add to the August whimsicality

  5. Great idea! And your zine is so cute ^__^ I love those cats, they are so fuzzy and quirky :P

  6. It is so cute! Thank you for sharing. Can you please tell me what software you use to do the printing as they have to be opposite.


  7. Hi-I have a very old version of Print Shop that I use. I just made my own template of 4.5 x 2.75 inch squares and placed the text and images myself... Lots of people who make zines just cut and paste text and images onto a piece of 8.5 x 11 paper and scan it!

  8. Thank you for your reply. I managed to do it in Publisher making a text box and then turning the one of 4 upside down! Thank you for getting back to me!


Thanks for dropping in...I appreciate your comments. It always makes my day!