June 12, 2011

Help Me Pick A Name...Plus Giveaway Winners Announced!

I LOVED all of the suggestions for Wheelbarrow Cat's name! Thank you to everyone who participated! Three entries were drawn at random and will receive a print of Wheelbarrow Cat.

And the lucky winners are:

Karen and Gerard who suggested Wheeley or Rider. They are a wife and husband book review team who live with cats Spunky Doodle and Manny, and have a book review blog called Grab A Book From Our Stack.

Joni Nickrent (Hive entry) suggested Seedric. Joni is an Artist, Mom, Creative Candlemaker, Crafter, Stylist to the Dolls, and creator of Pop Art Minis

Mvegan suggested Riley or Felix. Michele is a vegan artist and teacher from California living in Israel. She has a BFA in Painting and an MAT in Art Education from the Rhode Island School of Design. founded and leads EFA; Etsy for Animals

So what will Wheelbarrow Cat's name be? I've narrowed down the suggestions to my top ten favorites. Please vote for your favorite in the poll in the upper right column of the blog. Poll will close Monday night at midnight. Wheelbarrow Cat will be forever grateful for your help!


  1. Captain Wheeler von Barrow the IV is hilarious! I love it & voted for it!

  2. I just love your blog and your artwork. Love the name and the cat in the wheelbarrel is addorable!

  3. p.s. congrats to the winners!

  4. I had to go with Captain von Wheeler the IVth. Seriously.

  5. How exciting for the winners :)
    It made me happy to see "Sneakers" on the list of hopefuls!

  6. Thanks so much Susan for the adorable kitty print! I love it...it's purr-fect!


Thanks for dropping in...I appreciate your comments. It always makes my day!