June 8, 2011

Happy World Oceans Day!

To celebrate World Oceans Day today here is a fun interactive quiz courtesy of The Nature Conservancy.
[I turned out to be Donna from Mama Mia]...

"You probably know them. You may have even cheered for
Captain Jack Sparrow, leapt out of your seat during Jaws, and scratched your head in confusion over why Ginger packed so many dresses for a mere three hour tour."

Click here to take the quiz to find out which ocean celebrity is most like you!

We are also reminded that "today is a good day to remember that oceans provide us food, adventure,and the building blocks of life-saving medicines." You can help protect our beautiful oceans when you adopt a coral reef (a great gift idea for a Dad or grad!)

Thank you for all that you do for the ocean and the people, plants and wildlife that depend on it


  1. Such sweet pix of the mermaids & merkitties. I was Donna, from Mama Mia! :)

  2. Haha- I didn't even know who Donna was-- I had to google it!


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