April 5, 2011

Cat Ladies in the News

Thank you to Cat Lady Jennifer F. for helping me reach a wonderful milestone this past Friday: she was the Etsy customer who purchased my 1000th item sold! As a thank you, she will be receiving a complimentary set of my cat sachets with her order.

She wrote: "I adore your work! I am the Executive Director of a small animal shelter in Northern Michigan. I have been dubbed the 'Crazy Cat Lady' (with action figure to prove it) due to my six kitties at home and my 70 at work, of which approximately twelve are in my office at any one time. Real helpers as you can imagine... I look forward to shopping at your store many times in the future. With kind regards, Jennifer F."

At the Alcona Humane Society that Jennifer directs, the dogs and cats sleep on Kuranda beds, but don't there aren't enough for everyone yet. If you would like to donate a bed at a special wholesale price for a another dog or cat to sleep in comfort, please donate a Kuranda bed.


The folks at Purina Cat Chow recently sent out a call for entries for a new Cat Chow Correspondent (entries are now closed). Two of my very favorite Crazy Cat Ladies applied for the job. Here is a video submitted by Skeezix the Cat on behalf of the Food Lady, aka CCL Karen Nichols. It's a hoot:

But wait--the vivacious Crazy Cat Lady Carm ALSO applied for the position. She brightens the day of hundreds of cat ladies around the world with her daily blog, which includes beautiful and fun photos of her gorgeous "pride" of cats. Once in awhile she throws in a gorgeous shot of one of the Big Cats at the Buffalo Zoo, where she and her husband are docents.

Both are highly qualified Crazy Cat Ladies and both would make sensational Purina Cat Chow Correspondents. The only solution? Purina must hire TWO correspondents!!!!

Thanks for visiting!

1 comment:

  1. congratulations on your 1000th sale! love the video. happy day to you and the cats :)


Thanks for dropping in...I appreciate your comments. It always makes my day!