March 10, 2011

International Cat Ladies...The Story of Zoe

How does a multi-lingual half-German, half-Italian Cat Lady jewelry artist from Torino, Italy wind up with a Greek calico cat? Read on...

Anna tells us: "I grew up bilingual and I guess that's where my passion for languages comes from! I graduated in Foreign Languages and Literature from Torino University and I have been teaching German and English ever since, but my greatest passion has always been art and creativity! And, I've always loved cats."

Anna fell in love with the the Greek Islands of the Aegean back in 1997, during a trip to the island of Rhodes. She has returned many times since and that's where the story of Zoe begins.

"The gorgeous light and color of the Aegean are one of my main inspirations in my work. I have lots of friends on Rhodes, both human and feline. One of my favorite places is a beautiful old Turkish cemetery that is one of my favorite spots on Rhodes. It's a peaceful ancient place with old beautiful engraved tombstones under the shade of old magnificent eucalyptus trees...A beautiful little mosque from ancient times and a graceful white minaret make it a really dreamy place full of poetry. Many lovely cats have chosen it as their home, and I love just sitting there and cuddling them... and of course bringing them some goodies!

"My friend Sirpa and other lovely people help the homeless cats living there...In the summer of 2003 Sirpa and I rescued seven kittens from the cemetery, as they were too small to be on their own. One of them was a sweet calico kitten. We took them to the local Animal Welfare society so that people could adopt them. But I had already fallen in love with Zoe... she was so sweet and I just couldn't leave without her!

"Sirpa arranged everything for me: the papers, a cat box, and she took
Zoe home for a night before my departure. Everything was perfect, we drove to the airport and I was allowed to keep my kitten next to me in her box: she had her own seat and everybody was in love with her! I still remember that a steward asked me if I needed water for my kitten (before departure - as they do for human babies!), and at landing the captain asked me if it was 'a boy or a girl' and then he said 'Auguri' (best wishes).

"Zoe was an angel... she never cried, she purred when I talked to her and when I put my hand into the box to pet her. Thank God it was a direct charter flight to Milan. Since then we've been happily sharing our home in Torino, in the North West corner of Italy and very close to the Alps.

"Zoe's name is Greek (Zωή), it means 'Life'. A friend of mine suggested this name, as she said I was "giving her a life". Zoe is a sweet, lovely girl who brings a lot of joy into my life, each and every single day! We live in an apartment and we have a nice balcony with plants, where she loves to spend hours in the summer dozing and daydreaming... it's her little garden. She is very sweet but she also has a strong personality: she's a real Greek girl!"

Read more about Anna, her art, and her travels and Zoe at her blog Annuk Creations.
Then be sure to check out her beautiful Greek-Isle-inspired jewelry creations in her Etsy Shop!


  1. Oh my dear Susan, I'm so happy and touched by this!!!! Happy tears are flowing... THANK YOU from both Zoe and me for a wonderful gift!!We love you!!!!!
    Anna & Zoe

  2. When we open our hearts to these sweet kitties we always have the reward of their love.

    I truly enjoyed the story of Zoe!

  3. Oh so sweet! Thanks for sharing. I had a Zoé too, a great kitty too.

  4. what a lovely story! My father brought a Greek stray dog home to Austria with him years ago...

    Zoe is a beauty!!

  5. Beautiful Zoe! I loved reading your precious story! My doggy was adopted from Southern Greece & lives happily with us in Northern Greece! As is Zoe, DeeDee is also bilingual & was written up in Storque!

  6. Lovely story. What a sweet cat.

  7. Thanks for the story, I've always had fantasies about bringing a cat home from Italy!
    The closest I've come so far was virtually adopting a cat from Roman Cats

  8. ...So wonderful to hear about so many rescues! Thanks for sharing this heart-warming story Anna (sorry about having your town of Torino wrong--I corrected it) :-)

  9. Oh thank YOU, Susan!!! You gave us such a wonderful opportunity!
    It's so great to know there are so many lovely and sensitive people out there!
    And by the way, TURIN is perfectly ok, it's the English version for TORINO :)! I wrote it in Italian to make it sound more "exotic" ;) LOL!
    Hugs from Zoe and me

  10. That's a great story! :D I'm also a lady cat, my cat is a calico too and she chose me when I went to the Animal Society to adopt a kitten. As she was there since 6 months already and adult she was going to be "put away". She chose me some ten years ago and we live happily together in complete harmony :D

  11. Aww. :) What a lovely story!

  12. how sweet!!Zoe couldn't find a better mom!!!!!

  13. Thank you all, sweet ladies, for your sweet comments and love!!!

  14. A beautiful and touching story, Zoe is truly a blessed kitty to have found such a loving home and a caring family. I believe that animals have so much to teach us with their pure and unconditional love.

  15. Due to my daughters surprise birthday gift of an adorable kitten from her boyfriend, we are now officially a cat family. My husband and I have always been "dog people" but have found ourselves totally smitten with this new addition.

    I guess not matter how these animals come into our lives they are a true gift - as Zoe and Anna have been to one another.

  16. Looks like it was love at first sight! What a wonderful story - the bit aboy the flight home was especially cute! Nearly as cute as Zoe and Anna. :)

  17. You are so lucky to have each other! What a sweet beautiful cat she is. Tender kitty pets from me in the U.S.

  18. AnonymousMay 06, 2011

    Kisses for beautiful Zoe and her sweet Mom!:)
    I'm so happy that so many people loves cats and animals!!!:)

  19. hello!!!i wish you a happy week!!!meeeeeeoooooooooooow!!! =^.^=

  20. What a lovely story!!! Zoe is sooooo cute!!!

  21. Lovely story! Thanks to Annuk for adopting a cat from Greece!♥


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