March 27, 2011

I'm A Wizard of Whimsy! You Can Be Too!

whimsy, whimsey [ˈwɪmzɪ]:

1. a capricious idea or notion
2. light or fanciful humor
3. something quaint or unusual

Pen and ink artist and college professor dt. haase describes himself as "a wanderer for wonder, whimsy, & wisdom". He is also the host of "Whimsical Wednesday" where artists may share their creations of whimsy, wonder, and delight each week.

As Haase notes, one of the common human experiences we all share is suffering in one form or another. He says, "My invitation is to bring a bit of delight into the despair. I spend a lot of time with children and in turn they have taught me how to play. So, come and join the fun."

Speaking of delight, I was delighted to return from my vacation yesterday and discover that the title of "Wizard of Whimsy" had been bestowed upon me in last week's round of submissions! It is an honor that I do not take lightly, as I believe whimsy should be spread liberally whenever and wherever possible. In fact, I've been searching for a job title that describes what I do, and "Whimsy Wizard" is about the best thing I can think of to aspire to!

You can share your own whimsical creations here any day of the week (not just Wednesdays), or enjoy the creations of others:


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