March 1, 2011

Garden Fairy Story Time: The Foundling

Words and images copyright 2011 Susan Faye. All rights reserved. May not be reproduced in ANY form, including electronically, without express written permission of the artist. Thank you for respecting this policy with regards to ALL artists--it's good karma!!

Hi! My name is Ellette.
One of my favorite things about being a garden fairy is having antennae.

My "feelers" help me with balance and direction, especially when I am flitting and flying about the woodlands and my posy patch. AND, just like my butterfly friends, my antennae have very special scent receptors that help me sniff out my favorite beverage: nectar.

I've made a little book showing some of my best nectar posies. Pink roses, candytuft and zinnias are my very favorites. Don't they sound delicious and fun? Here is a link to a list of the best nectar flowers for butterflies (and garden fairies too!)

Sometimes my antennae will detect smells other than nectar. Just yesterday when I was showing my posy book to a friendly white garden bunny, my antennae detected something new in the garden: the subtle scent of tuna mixed with traces of curiosity, plus a hint of irrepressible mischief.

I peeked under my garden bench, and just look at what I found:

A sweet little kitten in need of a home! My garden bunnies and I agreed that she should come live in our posy patch. She jumped up into my arms and purred loudly. I'm pretty sure that means she's staying...

Now my little foundling needs a name. Can you help me?

Help Ellette find a name for her new friend. Leave your suggestion in the comments section of this post.

Update: Giveaway entries are now closed. Thanks for participating! See all of the great suggestions in the comments section below.

Garden Fairy Ellette is so pleased! Thanks to your wonderful suggestions and your votes, her new kitten now has a name: Faerydae.

Ellette is a fabric art doll that I have hand-crafted with quilted butterfly wings. Her copper wire antennae feature crystal beads. She comes in two sizes and her arms can hold any of her three favorite things in a warm embrace: a little black and white cat (smaller doll holds a white rabbit) , a paper book called "My Garden" (it features 8 of my mini garden illustrations), and a bouquet of silk flowers.

Ellette is made from 100 percent cotton fabric that has been professionally printed with my watercolor artwork. She is filled with eco-friendly bamboo fiberfill. Surface washable only, if done gently.

To learn more about my dolls, visit this link to my Etsy Shop:
My Fairy Dolls


  1. Last weekend I visited friends who have two beautiful cats.
    One of them called 'Barclay'. I think this name fits also good for your cat.. :))

    best wishes
    Kat :)

  2. the cat was found in a garden, call her Blossom....(I have a cat called Blossom)

  3. oooh! Allette is so pretty!! I would call her new kitty ~Marguerite~, which is French for Daisy. Daisies are one of my favourite flowers... they always liven up a garden, just as cats liven up our lives!

  4. So very cute! I think this new kitty should be called "Faerydae." Which means "dark child a gift from the fairies." And we all know that kitties are gifts we're so very lucky to have. >^..^<

  5. Oops!

  6. Cat Lady Jan D. sent in her entry by email: The name I would like submit to Ellette for her consideration is Posy Rosy,no particular reason, just seems purrr-fect to me.

    Love your stuff!

    Thanks for your consideration, Ellette

  7. The first thing that came to me is "Tux" since she's a tuxedo cat.

  8. Buddleia which is the name for the Butterfly Bush or Buddy-as a nickname. We all know how much Butterflies LOVE it! Here are a couple magical friends on some butterfly bush!

  9. I would call her Simone—an elegant name for an elegant kitty!

    skkorman AT bellsouth DOT net

  10. Licorice Allsorts....called Allie for short.

  11. Oh a Fairy cat, how cute...I think "Petal" would be a darling name for the kitty!

  12. I can think of sooo many, how about Cookie for a girl cat and Figaro for a boy? playdoll2 AT

  13. I think Pomelo would be a cute name, like the fruit.
    Thank you for the giveaway :)

  14. He looks like "Kobus", the cat that lives near your I would suggest the name Kobus....strange a?

    vena.nedkova at gmail dot com

  15. "Star Feather" sounds good to me...light as a feather and a rising star.

  16. I think a garden flower name would be appropriate for this sweet kitty: either Poppy or Buttercup?
    jhbalvin at gmail dot com

  17. LOL, tried to post and it went to your other blog, so there is a post that looks very odd there - my daughter says (she is six and an Wee Folk expert if ever I have met one!) that your Wee Folk Cat should be named:
    if we boy: Fidji
    if a girl: Gigi
    she dies say that it is a boy though :)

  18. I like the name Twinkle

  19. I think Catcopy is the perfect name.

    Ana Belén R.M

  20. Portia, like from Shakespeare.

    urchiken at gmail dot com

  21. Love the little kitty. He looks so happy. Nice color combination too. I would call him: Puree since he is a content and happy kitty.

  22. I'd like to suggest the name "Cashmere."

    Roberta Jackson

  23. I would like to suggest the name, "Cashmere." Thank you!

    Roberta Jackson

  24. I think he should be PussWilliam, my favorite name for a cat. :0)

  25. I really love your blog and I am going to put you under my favorites on my blog list. My daughter would have a fit if she saw you wonderful creations. She is a CAT LOVER big time!! We have two cats and she still calls the baby Kitten. Even though he is 1 years old. His name is Smokey and our girl cat is named Cleopatra but we call her Cleo. Cleopatra would be a good name for the cat.

  26. hmm since the kitty was found by a faeire, how about Spite? Not as the drink lol but as a type of faerie. I personally think Spite or Pixie is a great cat name. I used to know a tortie named Pixie years ago.

    Or these's these other two faerie related names:
    Seelie (faerie houses are divided into seelie -good faeries and unseelie -bad faeries)
    Morgan (like morgan le fay)

  27. jacques =)

    hancoci_s at msn dot com

  28. I think she looks like a Ladybug. (Not an actual bug, but cheery). So that's my thought...

    wordygirl at earthlink dot net

  29. Hi, i love this kitten. Oh so cute!
    i have a cat that lives on my world with me. i named her kit kitten.
    I am so liking your blog and the creations you create.
    come see me at:
    happy gardening with the bunny

  30. I like Zoe because it means "full of life"!

  31. I voted for Luna!


Thanks for dropping in...I appreciate your comments. It always makes my day!